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006. ❝ rafe cameron civil? mark it on the calendar
i was enchanted to meet you

             "𝐌𝐄?" I crossed my arms and raised a questioning brow.

"Yeah," he placed a cigarette between his lips and looked at me. "My dad sent me."

His vagueness was driving me insane. "Well, that's nice... And why exactly did he send you?"

I felt like I was talking to a toddler, having to fish for any sort of information.

"Well, first of all, Rose wanted to know your mom's new number. She said something about not being able to reach her cause she hasn't answered on Facebook and blah blah blah," he said inhaling the grey smoke. "Stopped listening to her after a while."

"And second of all, my dad bought some of your family's old books and stuff... he wanted to know when we could pick them up."

I was taken aback by the second statement.

My parents sold the old books and classics without telling me?

When I was a kid and too young to read any of them, they'd promised me, that the books would be my eighteenth birthday present.

The thing is that those books had real market value. They weren't first editions or anything, but they were old, like really old, and a bundled collection.

It wasn't even necessarily the fact that they were selling them, which saddened me, but the fact that I had to find out from Rafe.

"This is a no-smoking area," I took the cigarette out between his lips and put it out in one of our slushie cups. "But anyway, what does this have to do with me? Go to my house, ask someone there."

"Well, as much as I enjoy grinding your brother's gears," he said sarcastically. "I thought maybe I'd take the more civil road and just talk to you."

"Rafe Cameron, civil? Someone mark it on the calendar."

Rafe looked at me with an amused grin. "So, can I have your number and your mom's number so that we can make out a date when I can come to pick the books up?"

I gave him an annoyed look, before caving. "Fine... Hand over your phone," I stretched my arm out in front of him.

He carelessly placed his black phone in my hand, the contacts app already opened. "Well if I knew it was this easy to get your number, I would've done it a lot sooner."

THE SMELL OF RAIN ─── rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now