Episode 1: A Rose from the Sea

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Somewhere in the ocean blue over a bright blue sky with the bright sun shining down, many seagulls are flying in the sky enjoying the ocean breeze, and many sea creatures living in the water are living peacefully while some happily jump out of the ocean. A few dolphins are jumping in and out of the water.

Suddenly, a large ship appears on the ocean blue. The large ship with large sails on it from front to back. At the front of the ship, there is a golden mermaid on it, and windows on the side. It sails gently across the ocean blue as the wind blows on it's large sails.

On the large ship, there are many different sailors of different shapes and sizes, animals or walking animated objects. Many of them are working on the sails, holding the ropes, the deck, and other kinds of work on the ship.

A dog sailor walks toward a man who is the captain of the ship who is holding the steering wheel. The man has dark tan skin, black hair, black eyes. He is wearing a black captain's hat with a large dark blue jacket, white shirt, dark blue pants, and boots. The man is Captain Storm Wilds, the captain of the ship.

"Looks like we're in for some smooth sailing, Captain Storm, " The dog sailor says.

"Ay, it's a great day to be out at sea full of adventures and new land and islands to see, and maybe even treasure to find," Captain Storm says.

"And a good sailing wouldn't be as fun without some music," The dog sailor says.

Then turns his head, "Cue the music, men."

On the deck, there is a concertina, a guitar, ukulele, two fiddle, four drums, three penny whistles.

With that, the instrument sailors begin to play themselves as the birds fly over them, and fish swim. The sailors continue to work on the ship as they begin to sing their song.


I'll tell you our tale of the wide open blue

And it's hey to the starboard, heave ho

The sailors continue to work and some pull on the ropes.


Brave sailor beware, 'cause a big-un's a-brewin' mysterious fathoms beyond

Heave ho!

The sailors continue to work on the ship, swapping the deck, pulling the ropes, as some sit on the poles on the sails.


I'll sing you a song of our adventures at sea

And it's hey to the starboard, heave ho

All the sailors smile as they sing and work, and the instruments play their music.


The travels across all of the oceans is here

In mysterious fathoms beyond

The ship continues to sail out at sea across the sea as the waves crash into the sea with dolphins and whales rising from the sea. Just then, there are many different mermaids coming to the surface from down below.


Fathoms beyond, beyond!

From whence wayward westerlies blow

The wind continues to blow the sails.


Where all us fishes swimming

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