The Dark Side of the Moon

Start from the beginning

"Jane is out of ICU."

I sat up, rigid. "Can we see her?"

"They're getting her room set up. The medications are going to keep her sleeping for a while, but we can visit as soon as they give the okay," Logan sat down across from me, tired and haggard. 

"Did they say how she's doing?"

"So far, she's out of the woods. They gave her a blood transfusion, and it took seventy five stitches to close up her leg - luckily Ike missed her major a hair really. She nearly bled out on the table...she died once," Logan seemed to be rambling to himself more to me, as his eyes stared at the floor, unseeing. My stomach twisted into knots. She died once. 

"She'll be alright," I mumbled, "She's too stubborn to let Ike kill her."

Kent approached then, a small tray of coffee in hand, looking just as tired as the rest of us. "Hey man," He said to me, offering me the cup. 

I took it with a nod, looking up at him with no ability to even try to smile. "How are you holding up?"

He laughed, a short, humorless laugh that reminded me of his sister. "When I see her alive and smiling again, I'll be fine."

We grunted our agreement, as he sat down next to me on the couch. For the first time I saw the resemblance of him and his sister. His black hair curled around his ears, falling over his face, brown eyes staring as unseeingly as the rest of us. I could almost say they were twins, if I didn't know he was older.

"I'm glad you're okay," He said to me, head leaning in my direction instead of looking at me.

"I'm not. I'd rather be on that bed in there," I told him, and he smiled slightly in agreement, "But thanks," I added, realizing I sounded a bit rude.

"Well look at us," Logan sighed, "We're all near death with worry over her. Gonna have to make her pay when she wakes up," He leaned back, his signature grin lighting up his face, despite his sunken gaze.

I thought about when she woke up, wondering how I'd feel when I finally saw those eyes again. Sweet, brown eyes, looking at me the way they used to - mischievous smile in place as she said something like, "See? I told you It'd be fine." I didn't think I could ever make her lift another finger. 

"No," Kent shook his head, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth as he was probably thinking something similar. "She'll make us pay for worrying about her."

We all laughed in agreement, and it sounded similar to that of a funeral party. Dim, unnaturally stoic laughter. 

"Where are the others?" I asked, looking around for his mom, my mom and Jean.

"They went to reserve a hotel, and get some food that wasn't from a hospital kitchen," Kent answered.

I nodded. I didn't want to remain in this town as Ike's men were rounded up by the local police, but I couldn't imagine transferring her home in her condition. Ike was dead. A single gunshot, point blank to the head. She fought hard, and I was proud of her. I wondered how she'd feel about killing a man. She'd never done anything like that before, but her hatred of Ike might have been enough to remove any remorse. I stared down at my cup of coffee, warming my hands. I wished I could have done it myself. But as far as we knew, since Ike's death, the men in his circle were surrendering by the droves. Their great leader, brought to his knees by a single woman. I couldn't say I found it pathetic, as I was regularly brought to my knees by Jane. In fact, all of the men in this circle were at her mercy in one way or another. Kent, an incredibly protective older brother, Logan, as lost in love as I was. He stared away from us now, out the small window looking out onto the parking lot. He seemed to be thinking hard, or perhaps just worried. Logan kept his composure far better than I could. He was worried, and I knew he felt guilty for escaping without her, but he and Jane and Logan had a sort of special bond. As much as I hated to say it, they connected, and trusted one another. He of course worried for her all the way out of those cramped vents, but he told me as we finally squeezed out, "She's Jane. She'll find a way out. She always does."

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