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"Well, I say that I get the larger rock because I'm the oldest!"

Scott frowned. "You are not! We're twins!"

Prince Connor grinned. "What, they never told you? I was born forty three second before you! Almost a full minute!" Prince Scott angrily pushed his twin into the steamy garden river, and suddenly the maid servants watching dutifully from the other side of the garden rushed over to frantically help Prince Connor.

"Prince Scott!" scolded the nanny, "you know better than to lose your temper over something like that!" Scott crossed his arms, not looking his nanny in the eyes.

Then Connor was pulled from out of the river, plopping down on the frostbitten grass beside it. His amber hair now wet and his pale skin shivering, he was still grinning. 

"I guess you really are the youngest, throwing a tantrum like that?" 

Scott's head whipped around to Connor's gaze, outraged. 

The young lupian prince tackled his twin, to the maid servant's dismay, but the two princelings simply wrestled harmlessly on the ground, laughing. 

Connor knew his twin could never hurt him, and Scott knew Connor never would. 

Scott was the weaker one, anyway. 

Scott was the one who caught colds and couldn't spar with the other children.

 But Connor was the one who died. 


★¸,ø¤º°'°º¤ø,¸ ᔕᒪEEᑭIᑎG ᗷY YOᑌᖇ ᔕIᗪE ¸,ø¤º°'°º¤ø,¸★जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें