Chapter 5

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No One's POV:

   "Why should we even help you?" Matt questions crossing his arms as he stares at the new group. After everyone had the their little reunion, Alaric invited them inside and now they're all in the living room where Rebekah explained the situation.

"Well for starters, we brought you the girls. And secondly we don't need anything from you. Freya and Rebekah said there's ingredients here we need for a spell," Claire spoke with authority taking the mystic falls group back.

Hope scans over the group seeing that they're looking at her group warily. She sighs when nobody answered.

"Look, it's obvious that you guys don't trust us and that's ok. We don't trust easy either. All we want is the ingredients to the spell, give us that and we will be out of your hair,"Hope announces with her group agreeing.

Hearing that made the Mikaelson's on edge. Their youngest member barely got here and now she's gonna leave.

"No! We will help you. Just stay here," Hayley hastily exclaims jumping up from her seat making everyone look at her in surprise.

   Claire frowns moving more in front of her oldest daughter with Kmart who laced their fingers together, pulling Hope closer while eyeing Hayley with a slight glare.Hayley raised her eyebrow at Claire and Kmart who's trying to block her daughter from her.

   "Now wait a minute. You can't just decide for all of us, Hayley. How do we know they're not gonna try and hurt us or steal our supplies," Damon questions look at her with a hard stare before looking at the new group.

Albert sighs roughly, these people are not making this easy. "Look I wasn't supposed to say this since it's confidential but Alice knows of some kind of weapon that can help with all of this. It's important that we rescue her from this facility. If you don't want to help that's fine. We already have supplies so we don't need any of yours. Like we said we just need the ingredients for the spell and that's it. We have witches of our own that can do the spell,"Albert explains stretching the truth a bit and gestures to himself, Hope, and Kmart who both nod.

   The Mystic Falls group look at each other confused. "What kind of weapon?" Alaric asks curious on what it is. It's hard living like this. Constantly wondering if they're gonna survive another day of this world.

  Claire spares a worried glance to Hope and Albert who look at each other. "She has incredible powers that lay dormant for the time being. But once she gains full access to them again, she can help turn the leaf over for the human kind. And let's face it, what's left of the world that's trying to survive needs some type of hope again," Albert explains telling the truth.

  "Like a mutant?" Mg asks excitedly making the group look at him weirdly.

  "Uh, yeah, kinda like Jean Grey," Hope tells him chuckling slightly as his eyes widen and his expression changes to excitement.

"If we say yes, what do you need from us?" Elena asks holding her youngest kids close to her.

  "Nothing. We don't expect for you guys to help. We just need room for Sergei to set up his equipment," Leon spoke getting everyone's attention.

"And shelter for a few days. Although I want my soulmate back already, the plan takes time. After we get Alice back, we will move on from here and be out of your hair," Claire adds in her leader pose with her hands on her hips and a expressionless face.

   The mystic falls group look at each other conflicted before Bonnie spoke up. "We need time to discuss it over," she firmly tells them.

The group nods, understanding where they're coming from. "That's fine. We'll wait here," Claire responds before turning her back to them so she could look at her group.

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