Chapter 1

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Alice: My name is Alice, this is my daughter Hope. We worked for the Umbrella Corporation. The largest and most powerful commercial entity in the world.

   We were head of security at a secret high-tech facility called the Hive. A giant underground laboratory developing experimental, viral weaponry.

Hope: There was an incident. A virus escaped. A lot of people died. The trouble was, they didn't stay dead. The computer that controlled the Hive, was a state-of-the-art artificial intelligence: the Red Queen.

    The Red Queen responded to the threat of the viral outbreak in an extreme way. She went homicidal. The Red Queen attempted to kill everyone, whether they were infected or not.

Alice: We managed to escape, but this was only the beginning. Viral outbreaks spread like wildfire. First across the United States, then the world. The Virus didn't just bring the dead back to life.

It mutated them in terrifying ways. Despite the apocalypse they had created, the Umbrella Corporation continued to experiment with the deadly virus.

I was infected. Hope got infected by a Licker, one of Umbrella's deadly creations. But the virus bonded with us on a cellular level.

We developed powers. We became different. Powerful. Unstoppable. As we got stronger, the human race became weaker.

Hope: We tried out best to lead our family and what survivors we could find to safety. But we were pursued relentlessly. Even our friend Jill Valentine was seized and brainwashed by Umbrella.

   Finally we confronted the head of the Umbrella Corporation my friend, Albert Wesker. At the time we didn't know he got brainwashed and was forced to do unspeakable things. He shot me and robbed my mom of her powers.

Alice: We managed to free him from Umbrella's hold along with our family that Umbrella held captive. At last, we thought it was over.

   We thought we had survived the horror. But we were wrong. Once again, we found ourselves fighting for our lives.

No One POV:

Gun fire, screams, and explosions affected the once peaceful air. Hope slams her knee into a soldier's face shattering the glass protecter. She snaps his neck before moving onto the next.

Her family are shooting at the soldiers as they kill the survivors. Freya put a barrier around all of them so the bullets can't hit them but the group can still shoot out of it.

Rebekah and Caroline are snapping their necks and ripping hearts out. "Mittent," Hope holds her hands out towards a helicopter and pushes her hands to the right, grunting.

The helicopter slams into another one and explodes on impact. Hope pulls out her knives and starts attacking the soldiers. She stabs one under his helmet and into his head while using his gun to shoot at the others and uses his body to cover her's from the bullets.

      Kmart throws her gun to the side as it ran out of bullets. "Ignalusa," she makes fire hit some of the soldiers making them scream out.

   Alice fires her pistols at Jill Valentine who's in a purple suit making Jill take cover. Alice takes a moment to glance around and see's the soldiers killing off the survivors easily.

   Her family shooting and fighting for their lives. They're not gonna be able to save everyone. "Hope!" Her daughter removes herself from a soldier's neck and looks at her with her vampire face on display.

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