20: Happy Birthday

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Heyo! This chapter is in your P.O.V. and something a little heated happens, along with reckless drunk adults. Enjoy!

“Pepa, you’re drunk.” Mami tells tía, trying to pull her off of the railing to the stairs. 

“Your mom’s drunk.” Tía giggles, making mami sigh. “Hi, kids!” She shouts to us, despite being ten feet away. 

“Good evening, Tía Pepa.” Mira forces a smile. 

“You two look nice! Happy birthday!” She whoops loudly. 

“Thank you, tía.” I force myself not to run away. I know she’s not going to hurt me. But she’s acting just like my tío did around his friends when he got drunk. 

“Mirabel,” she yanks me by the wrist over to her and I try my best not to pull away. “Mirabel, I saw you hit Camilito with a snowball earlier. Funniest shit!” She cackles. How do I look like Mirabel? I don’t even wear glasses. 

“Go get yourselves something to eat, it’s your birthday!” Mami tells us politely, prying Tía Pepa away from me and off of the stair railing. We quickly exit and find Cami standing in the dining room chatting with and Tío Felix. 

“If they get pregnant, that’s on you, you understand?” Tío asks him, putting a hand on his shoulder. 

Papi!” Cami pulls away from him. “We just started dating.” 

“He’s just making sure you know, sobrino.” tells him. 

“Oh, he knows.” I chuckle, grabbing a lollipop from the table and unwrapping it. “He’s barely allowed to touch me anyway.” I pop it into my mouth. 

“How long have you been standing there?” Cami asks as deep red begins to dust his cheeks, rubbing the back of his neck. 

“Long enough to know that tío’s gonna kill you if I get pregnant.” I snicker and his face heats more.

“It’s not what you think--” He starts before I hold a hand up at him. 

Querida, I really don’t care why you were talking about me.” I shake my head. 

“(Y/)-- er uh… Mirabel. C’mere.” says, beckoning her over to him. 

Papi, let’s go check on mami.” Cami turns to tio. 

“Last time I saw her, she was trying to slide down the railing to the stairs.” I tell him and he shakes his head. 

Dios mio, Pepi.” He mutters and the three of us work our way over there. “Pepi, amor.” He catches her as she almost falls down the stairs. “How much water have you had?” 

“Does champagne count as water?” She hiccups. 

“No.” He sighs, standing her up straight. Well, as straight as she’ll get. 

“Then none.” She smiles brightly before another hiccup comes from her. 

“Let’s get some water in you and sober you up, hm?” He asks and she tries to pull away from him. 

Love Geometry - Camilo x Reader x Mirabel [COMPLETE]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon