4: The First Cracks

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Heyo! This chapter is in your P.O.V. and nothing heated happens. Enjoy!

I can’t sleep. My stomach is doing somersaults, but I don’t feel sick. I’ve been switching between fiddling with Mirabel’s ring and Camilo’s earrings all night. I feel nervous and giddy and happy all at the same time and it only gets worse when Mirabel’s voice comes from behind my door. “(Y/N)~” She sings softly, opening the door. 

Casita, lights.” I sit up and the lights flick on. Mirabel and Camilo are standing at my door in their pajamas, cake in hand. I don’t understand why they both need a hand on it with just three small slices but whatever. 

“Did we wake you up? I’m sorry we’re here so late, we had to make our own since someone forgot to pick up a few slices at the bakery.” Mirabel rolls her eyes. 

“Tell me, (Y/N), would you rather have a gift or cake on your birthday?” Camilo asks, staring Mirabel down. 

“Uhh… a gift I guess? Gifts last longer than cake. Especially around me.” 

“Bitch, please. You would lose your head if it wasn’t attached to your body.” Mirabel scoffs and Camilo laughs fakely. 

“HA. I knew it. Gifts are so much more important than some dumb cake.” He mimes an explosion in her face with his free hand. I approach them with a soft chuckle. 

“Cake is never dumb. It is a delicious treat that should be savored any day of the year.” I smile with a small shrug, taking one plate with cake on it. “Why is the frosting on the side?” I cock an eyebrow at them. 

“We didn’t want to wait any longer to give you your cake but it’s still too hot to frost.” Mirabel smiles as Camilo takes one plate. 

“Trust me, I tried.” He leans over to me, chuckling. 

“Let’s sit.” I smile and we all pile onto my bed, eating cake happily. “You guys are the best, thank you so much. I love you guys, like seriously.” I smile, wiggling happily with a bite of cake. It takes them a moment but almost in sync, they finally speak. 

“I love you too, (Y/N).” They both say softly. 

“Best friends ever.” I smile brighter. 

“Yeah.” Camilo chuckles, looking away. “Best friends…”

“Well, this happens all the time. You do it for us on our birthdays.” Mirabel shrugs. 

“But it only started ‘cause we care about each other. Thank you guys so much, seriously.” I smile, leaning into Mirabel. “Your shoulder is very comfy. Like a pillow. I might fall asleep here.” I giggle softly.

“Don’t you worry your pretty little bleached head. I would transform into a whole ass car for the best amiga in the world.” She smiles, leaning her head down onto mine and putting a hand on my knee, shaking it lightly. 

“I wouldn’t say the best.” I roll my eyes. I lean my head back a bit to look at her when she lifts hers. 

“I would say so.” Camilo and Mirabel speak at the same time.

“You convinced me to get a balayage. And I look hot.” Camilo smiles. 

“You’re always there when I need you. You started this whole cake thing because you care about us so much.” Mirabel says in a dream-filled tone. I giggle. It’s always been like this, Camilo has always been focused on the present and Mirabel is more deep with more to say. I love my friends, especially all of their quirks. Camilo is funny, we make jokes and poke fun at each other a lot but he can be sort of sentimental when needed. Mirabel is always so cool, giving fun facts about things she’s read and recommending books. I’m so glad I have them both in this world. If I didn’t, I’d be at home with my drunkard uncle and terrible, sleazy brothers who I know are never ever moving out. 

“Let me take your plate for you, mi dulce.” Camilo sweet talks, taking my plate from my hands. I sit up from Mirabel’s shoulder, rolling my eyes at him. 

“Is this guy bothering you, babe?” Mirabel asks in her same deep voice. 

“No! Not now.” I giggle, nudging her with my elbow. “C’mon, let’s go wash our plates.” I nod, standing up and taking my plate back from Camilo. I head down to the kitchen with the other two in tow, arguing with them over washing the dishes. “Just let me wash them!” I try grabbing Mirabel’s plate again and we end up in a tug-of-war over it, me walking backwards toward the kitchen. 

“No! It’s your birthday, you shouldn’t have to do stupid things on your birthday.” She says, tugging it toward her. 

“No, my ‘real’ birthday is on January first. I’ll go from fifteen to sixteen in the shortest amount of time in the world.” I smile, tugging it back to me. 

“Yoink.” Camilo says, taking both of our plates and dashing to the sink. 

“Careful, bigfoot.” Mirabel says when we catch up to him. “You might wake everyone up with your stomping.” 

“Okay.” He rolls his eyes, washing the plates off. 

“Oh, you asshat.” I giggle, buming him with my hip. “I was supposed to do those.” 

“Yeah, asshat.” Mirabel leans up against the counter, crossing her arms. 

“It is my duty as a good…” He takes a pause. “Friend.. to help out on your birthday, as much as I hate chores.” 

“Yeah. A friend. An overly nice one who actively avoids helping around the house.” 

“C’mon, Mirabel, he’s just trying to be nice.” I nudge her lightly and a small smile comes to her face. “Out of character but I’m not complaining. It’s my birthday!” I howl. There’s a shattering sound in the other room and we all glance at each other. Camilo is the first to move, wiping his hands on his pants and walking into the main room with me and Mirabel not too far behind him. 

“Stand back, (Y/N).” Camilo demands, holding me back with an arm. I peek around him and there’s a shattered tile in the middle of the floor. Mirabel and Camilo walk over to it, pushing me away when I try to get too close to the shards of the roof. Mirabel picks it up, examining it but winces, sucking in a sharp breath and dropping the tile. 

“Mirabel, are you okay?” I ask, rushing to her side. All around us, the floor tiles start rumbling and we all look around in a slowed panic. 

Casita?” She asks softly. A crack forms on the ground right below Camilo’s feet and he jumps back in surprise, almost knocking me over but catching me by the wrist. He doesn’t let go after he pulls me to my feet, keeping me close to him as cracks grow around us. He’s like a protective big brother and as scared as I am right now, I feel a bit safer next to him. 

I only pull away from him when Mirabel stands to follow the growing cracks all over the house. We all run around the house, watching as pictures are almost knocked off of the wall as cracks run behind them. I pause to fix the big picture of Abuelo Pedro and catch Camilo’s ceremony picture when it falls as he catches mine when we reach them. We watch as the cracks grow larger, reaching the candle. I let out a small, panicked gasp when it falls over on the cracked windowsill. “We have to tell someone.”

Word Count: 1,265

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Stay safe, my dudes <3

Published: (1/29/22) (Month/Day/Year)

Final Word Count: 1,294

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