23: Burn

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Heyo! This chapter is in your P.O.V. and nothing heated happens. Enjoy!

Casita!” I scream, beginning a mad dash toward the house. I may not live there anymore but the people I care about do. 

“We’re too slow.” Mira mutters, quickly joining my running with Cami at her side. 

“Use your gift!” Cami nudges me and I halt, quickly bringing us up into the air. I keep my eyes steady on the house. Mainly because I can’t look away from it but also because if I look down, I’ll have a breakdown. Cracks are running all over the walls and I watch as Tio Bruno’s tower detaches itself from the rest of the walls. Everyone’s doors flicker and we fall a few feet, landing on the room with a scream. 

“Kids, get out!” Mami screams and we watch as everyone is pushed out by waves of tiles. My attention is taken away from them when the candle gets knocked off of Abuela’s windowsill a few feet away from us. 

“The candle!” Mira and I scream. 

“You guys get the candle, I have something important to get.” Cami tells us, expertly hopping down onto the second floor of Casita

“Oh God, my bracelets!” I worry, trying to see if I have time to rush down there to get them. 

“That’s what I’m doing!” Cami shouts up to me, running around. “Just get the candle!” I hear faint panicked shouting from outside the house. 

“Isabela Antoinette Madrigal!” I hear Abuela call Isa’s full name and see as she hops the tiles in the house to get to us. 

“You may be annoying but I care about you, get down here!” She shouts angrily to us and cacti sprout everywhere. 

“Holy shit!” We all shout. While Mira and I are in awe of her newfound power, Isa sprouts vines from her hands and drags us down safely. 

“We have to get the candle!” I fight her vines, eventually slipping out of them. I use my gift to drop Isa’s vine from Mira’s waist as well and we run through the house, dodging rubble all the way. The main staircase has already fallen so we have to go all the way through the house to get to the back one. As we rush up it, Cami is coming down, shifting as he dodges rubble. “Watch out!” I shout to him, pushing the falling painting of Abuelo Pedro away from his face where it would have landed.

“I’ll get the candle, take these and get out.” Cami tells me, trying to shove my bracelets at me. I move past him, gliding up the stairs quickly with both of my lovers in tow.

“No. I’m getting the goddamned candle. I’m at least going to try to save the people who saved me.” 

“You’re gonna fucking die!” Cami tries to grab my wrist but I pull away quickly, running back up the stairs and to the candle. 

“Then I’ll die saving the people I love!” I scream, tears beginning to spill from my eyes again. I run through the house as the shaking and cracks get more violent, Mira and Cami following quickly. 

“Then you’re not dying alone!” They both yell over the sounds of the house crumbling. We finally emerge back to the second floor and I stop running, trying to get the candle down with my gift. 

“Fuck, my gift is fading!” I scream helplessly, feeling my energy drain as I focus all of my might on getting that God forsaken candle down from the windowsill. “I’m gonna pass out!” Tears keep coming and I let them fall. 

“We can climb up and get it, then!” Mira shouts, beginning to climb up there but I hold her back. 

“Catch me when I pass out!” I tell her and Cami, using all of my might to get our magic down to me. It feels like my life is being drained from me when I finally get it up. We all cheer loudly but our premature celebration is cut off when the doors flicker again, making me drop the candle about twenty feet away from us. “Fuck!” My voice cracks as it falls flame down, catching the wooden floor on fire. I fall to my knees, all of my energy having been drained from just that action.

“Kids, get outta there!” Tía Pepa shouts up to us, a little mini cloud forming over her head due to our weakened gifts.

“(Y/N)! We need to go!” Cami cries to me as I approach the spreading fire carefully in a slow crawl. I can tell he’s serious because he used my name but I can’t let this go. I’m going to save my family. Just before I’m about to reach down to get it, the railing next to me bursts into flames, cinching my forearm before a forceful pair of hands take my waist, pulling me back. “We need to go!” Cami repeats. 

I’m too weak to move. My eyelids are heavy and everything is sore, my forearm hurting the most. It burns in a different way than the rest of my body does. The rest of me feels like I did a hard workout yesterday without stretching but my left forearm burns like a campfire and when I look down at it, I see it immediately blistering. “You’re hurt!” Mira cries.

“I can’t move. Please.. save yourselves.” I cough as smoke envelops my lungs, the fire spreading closer to us by the second.

“We’re gonna get you out of here, okay?” I’ve never seen Cami so panicked. He quickly picks me up bridal style and rushes me away from the growing fire that seems to follow us. I feel so bad for Casita. And it’s all my fault. 

“I’m sorry, Casita.” I hear Cami whisper under his breath. “This is my fault.” I feel some of my energy come back and I’m ready to correct him when we reach the main area but I hear a plastic-y slap on the floor behind us. We all look back and our bracelets are on the ground. 

“Shit!” I roll out of Cami’s arms, using every last bit of my strength and energy to crawl my way over to them. I’ll be damned if another thing I love is taken away from me. I cough more as flames form sort of a circle around me, smoke filling my lungs. I grab the bracelets just as I slip into unconsciousness, pulling the plastic in towards my chest before everything goes black.

Word Count: 1,091

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed! As we near the end of another of our journeys, I have to announce that I will be posting another Encanto book after I finish this one, she be on the look out for that. Stay safe, my dudes <3

Published: (3/1/22) (Month/Day/Year)

Final Word Count: 1,155

Love Geometry - Camilo x Reader x Mirabel [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now