6: Inside A Nightmare

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Heyo! This chapter is in your P.O.V. and nothing heated happens.❗TW❗Trauma, yelling, hitting, smoking, implied mention of r@pe. Enjoy!

I slowly blink my eyes open to faint screaming outside of my room. God, what is Isa having a fit about now? I groan and roll over, covering my head with my pillow. No I don’t. I want to move to do that but I can’t. No. No, no, no. Oh God no. I look around at my surroundings and I’m back at my room at ‘home’. “What the hell, Ramiro?!” Mami screams. Not this one again. Please, wake up.

“What’s your problem, Rocío?” Tío shouts back and tears well in my eyes. I can’t move or will myself awake. I hate this. All of it. 

“It’s like I’m raising your kids for you! All you do is go out and drink!” 

“I can quit if I want, it’s not like I’m out every night!” 

“You are just like pa! Like father, like son, I suppose. You know what I found in Julia and Luz’s room? Weed. Your daughters are fucking potheads because you can’t parent them!” There’s a loud smack and a yelp from tío. Breeze blows from my open window and I can smell the potent blunt Julia and Luz are sharing under my window. 

“Don’t you ever talk to me about my parenting! Your five-year-old is more of a mother than you are!” 

“Because I’m too busy explaining to all of your children why their father comes home drunk all the time!” There’s a not-so-quiet sound of the back glass door opening. “Where the hell have you two been?! Smoking, I presume!” 

“Julia, Luz! You know better than that!” Tío slurs his words. 

“Don’t even! They showed up more baked than a potato to the Madrigal’s gift ceremony tonight because of you!” 

“Fuck you, dad! I hate you! I had a dream, you know. I was gonna be an actress. Now I’m addicted to pot because my dad comes home drunk and beats me!” Another loud smack and Luz groans. 

“Go to your room, ya fuckin’ druggie! Don’t talk to your father that way!” Mami screams and soon, a door slams. “Look at what you’ve done to your daughters!” Tears are streaming down my face at this point. I thought I was getting better, I haven’t had one of these nightmares for months. 

“I don’t need this assault right now, okay?!” Tío shouts and he stomps his way down the hall. I hear him stop at my room and soon, the door opens. God, please no. This is the worst part of these. Please, please, please wake up. “Wake up, you useless fuck.” Tío slurs and I hear his pants unzip. 

“No!” I scream, sitting up. I’m drenched in sweat, tears all over my face and breathing heavily. Thank God I woke up. Fuck, what do I do? I curl my legs up into my chest and start sobbing into my knees. I need a glass of water. I stand on shaky legs like a newly born fawn, making my way to the door.

I pause when I open it, staring at our family pictures. Mirabel doesn’t have a picture like the rest of ours and it’s always stood out to me. In it, Abuela stands in between me and Mirabel’s doors, holding the candle. She looks tired and overworked, less proud than she does in all the others. Mirabel and I stand excitedly next to her, smiling big, mega-watt smiles. She’s always been my best friend since we were little and I smile fondly at all the antics we used to get up to. Suddenly, her words from a few nights ago come back. 

I take a deep breath, knocking on her door. No reply. Respectable, it’s nearly midnight. I open the door slowly and step in, closing the door softly behind me. It creaks loudly and Mirabel sits up in a confused daze. “Huh?” She asks, getting up quickly. She looks ready to punch me in the throat.

“Mira, it’s me. Don’t worry.” I close the door fully, walking over to her.

“Why in the hell are you here?” She groans, flopping back down onto her bed

“I…” I sit down on her bed next to her outstretched legs, taking a deep breath. “I had a nightmare.” 

“Oh, are you alright?” She asks, immediately sitting up and looking at me with genuine concern and care. 

“I dunno.” I mumble, tears still streaming down my face. 

“Do you want to talk about it? I’m here for you, honey.” I giggle softly, looking over at her. 

“Is ‘honey’ your new thing?” I smile softly at her. 

“Yes. Don’t deflect.” She looks at me a little disappointedly and I sigh. 

“I… I guess I do wanna talk.” She nods, taking my hands in hers. “I had my dream again about your ceremony night. Earlier, I… I didn’t exactly tell you everything about my tío. There was the usual fighting, yelling, hitting, pot smoking but at the end… he came into my room and…” A shudder goes through me just thinking about it. “He used to do… things to me.” More tears roll down my cheeks. 

“What kind of things?” She asks softly, squeezing my hands reassuringly. 

“I… I don’t wanna say. Just… tonight it ended with him entering my room and unzipping his pants. Let’s put it that way.” I tell her quietly and her eyes well up with sympathy tears as she hugs me. 

“I am so, so sorry.” She whispers to me. 

“It’s alright. You weren’t the one who did it.” I hug her back tightly, holding her like my life depends on it. 

“But you didn’t deserve it. Does Camilo make you uncomfortable?” 

“Why would he?” 

“Well, I don’t know what your triggers are and I know he makes… less than holy comments a lot.” 

“He doesn’t. I’d tell both of you if he did. Thanks for your concern though.” I pull away and smile at her. 

“If you don’t mind me asking, what are your triggers?” She grabs my hands again. 

“Um… of course, yelling. I don’t like being held down or having my mouth covered. I don’t like people pressing up against me from behind.” The tears keep coming. Some of them are from trauma but most of them are because of Mirabel. She cares so much about me and after feeling like I’ve had no one to turn to for years, it feels so good to have her here. “I don’t think I could repeat these, like ever. Could you tell Camilo at some point for me?” 

“Of course, honey.” She nods, rubbing her thumb over one of my hands soothingly. 

“I love you so much. Thank you for being here for me. You’re seriously the best friend.” I smile at her sweetly. 

“Can I try something?” I nod at her. “Tell me if it’s too much.” She leans in close to me, putting a hand on my cheek and connecting her lips to mine.

Word Count: 1,180

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Stay safe, my dudes <3

Published: (1/31/22) (Month/Day/Year)

Final Word Count: 1,209

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