1: Good Morning

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Heyo! This chapter is in your P.O.V. and nothing spicy happens. TW: Slight transphobia. Enjoy!

The buzzing of my alarm clock is what wakes me up this morning. I sit up in confusion, trying to remember why the hell I bothered setting it. I hold my hand out and it hovers over to me from across the room, landing in my hand. As I’m pushing the snooze button, I realize why I set it so early in the goddamned morning. I wanted to get up before Isabela. “Thank you!” Dolores shouts to me from her room when I turn it off. Isabela always sucks up the hot water in our shower by the time I get up so I decided to wake extra early today. I grab a towel and head over to the bathroom and breathe out a sigh of relief when it’s empty. About ten minutes after I turn the water on, a loud rapping comes from the door. 

“Who’s in there?!” Isabela shouts. 

“Me, why?” I shout back to her. 

“Because I have a schedule! I need to be in the shower, like, now!” She knocks louder like it’ll do anything. 

“Well, I’m not done yet!” I call, rinsing shampoo out of my hair. 

“Then be done! Why are you even in there?” 

“Because I like having hot water to shower in!” She groans loudly and I snicker to myself, reaching out for my shower puff. I open my eyes to find that I’m holding Mirabel’s. Or is it mine? Goddammit, Mirabel, I love you but now I don’t know which shower puff is mine because you bought one that looks like the one I own. “I’ll be out in, like, ten minutes, just calm your tits!” 

“If you aren’t out in ten minutes, I’m sending Mirabel to come tackle you!” Isabela huffs and I hear her stomping away. She’s not so perfectly level-headed when Abuela isn’t around, I’ve learned. I hum to myself as the puff and body wash scrub my body for me. I got telekinesis after I touched Mirabel’s door at her ceremony. I felt really bad and spent days crying to Mirabel about how sorry I was for stealing her gift. We’ve both gotten over it for the most part but Abuela definitely has not. The only reason they let me stay here and keep my room is because of Julieta. Bless my adoptive mamí. Another loud knock comes to the door. 

“Isa, it’s barely been five minutes, chill!” I call. 

“Bruh it’s not Isabela.” Camilo says. “Hurry up, I need the bathroom.” He groans. 

“Just piss outside, you’re a guy.” 

“That’s weird! Just hurry up.” 

“You do realize that after I get out of the shower, I still need to get ready in here?” 

“You can dry your hair and get all fancied up in your room. Just brush your teeth and get out.”

“Such a nice friend.” I say sarcastically, turning the water off and stepping out of the shower. I pat myself dry with my towel and wrap it around myself, grabbing my other towel and quickly ruffling my hair with it. I’ve never really been one to care for what I look like but I take a look at myself in the mirror and chuckle. My hair is sticking up in every direction and I can’t help but laugh. Definitely need to brush that out. 

“C’mon, man!” Camilo calls through the door. 

“I’m coming out butt-ass naked and tackling you if you badger me again!” I call and he goes silent. I brush my teeth quickly and secure the towel around my body before opening the door. “All yours, puta.” I roll my eyes. I walk back to my room and start digging through my closet. My room stretches as far as the eye can see with shelves lining most walls. I have four closets, two on each side of the room, and they’re so tall that I can barely see the top. I love Casita, it shelters us and keeps us well but it seriously screwed my room. I get that I have telekinesis but this room is difficult to live in. 

Love Geometry - Camilo x Reader x Mirabel [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now