15: Trauma

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Heyo! This chapter is in your P.O.V. and deals with trauma. Please, I do not want comments or DMs telling me that this is not how some people have trauma reactions because I have done this in court with the man who sexually assaulted me. If I was met with my abuser in real life, I would start crying and stop talking. Enjoy!

I try my best to hide my face while still being polite as he starts telling us something. I’m rushed with too much adrenaline to hear what he says but as soon as he leaves, Camilo leans over the table, reaching out for my hand and squeezing it. “Are you alright?” 

“Our server is my Tío Ramiro.” I state softly, tears coming to my eyes as I speak. A look that says he will protect me no matter what crosses his face as he thinks of what to say. 

“Holy shit.” His voice quiets down to a whisper and I nod. 

“I’d like to go home now, if you don’t mind.” I tell him but I don’t move. I feel like I can’t. He nods and stands, helping me up onto shaky legs. When he starts to lead me out, I look over at him. “Don’t you need to pay?” I ask quietly as the first tears start to slip down my cheeks. 

“Wasn’t planning on it.” He shrugs and that makes me chuckle a bit. The world could be ending and he could be able to make me feel at least a little better. We make it outside before I collapse to the ground in an almost cinematic way, sobbing into my hands. This feels like the only thing I can do right now. Camilo puts a hand on my shoulder and I pull away from my hands to look up at him, noticing how much watery mascara is all over them. “Let’s get you home. Are your legs stable enough to walk?” He asks and I don’t even have to stand to know the answer. I shake my head and he picks me up bridal style, starting to walk us back to Casita

“I thought I’d never have to see him again. I’ve gone this long, I thought he died or something.” I sob into his chest and he kisses my forehead lovingly. 

“It’s alright, dumpling. It’s okay.” He mumbles into my hair, speeding up his walking pace so we can get home faster. When we do, our family is still in the middle of dinner. He sets me down gently on the bottom stair of the staircase and kneels down next to me as the rest of our family comes to see what’s wrong. 

“What happened?” Mami asks, immediately rushing to my side. God, I couldn’t tell her, let alone anyone in this room what happened. I can barely form words right now. Mirabel comes to us and takes one look at me before knowing the general premise of what’s happening. 

“What’s going on?” She asks Camilo quietly and he starts whispering to her, covering his mouth so the others can’t see what he’s saying. When he pulls away, her eyes widen and he nods. She puts a loving hand on my knee, gazing at me with comfort and a bit of anger. 

“Tell me what’s wrong, sweetie.” Mami hugs me tightly and I fail to come up with an excuse. I start to panic, even though I know I still can’t talk and wouldn’t be able to answer her anyway. 

“We… ran into a really transphobic person. Really, really bad…” Camilo trails off, chuckling lightly like it’ll do anything to the mood in the room. 

“It’s okay, (Y/N)!” Antonio comes over, throwing his tiny arms around me. I manage a smile for him with mascara-filled tears still streaming down my face.

“I don’t understand how that--” Mami starts. 

“You seem really tired, (Y/N). Let’s get you to bed.” Mirabel interrupts, helping me stand. I look around at everybody and immediately single Luisa out. She looks more concerned than anyone else who has no idea what’s going on. I tap Camilo lightly to get his attention and weakly point at Luisa. He nods, seeming to get the message. 

Love Geometry - Camilo x Reader x Mirabel [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now