2: A Normal Day

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Heyo! @M1tology posted the art on Pinterest. This chapter is in your P.O.V. and nothing spicy happens. Enjoy!

We finish up and all head out to do our chores. Mamí has her arms full of baked goods, papí assisting her with baskets of food lining his arms. Luisa and Isabela are both whisked away with chores almost immediately, leaving the rest of us standing on the doorstep wondering what to do first. Soon, everyone figures out what they’re going to do and are on their way except for me and Camilo. “Do you… wanna do chores together?” He asks, a light shade of pink settling on his cheeks. 

“Sure!” I smile cheerfully. He smiles like he accomplished something big. “Ooh… should we invite Mira?” I ask and his smile drops for a second before an obviously fake one appears on his face. He shrugs and I roll my eyes at him, popping my head back in the door. “Mira!” I call and she saunters into the room from the kitchen, holding a broom. “Do you wanna do chores with us?” 

“Depends on who ‘us’ is.” She shrugs. 

“Me and Camilo.” I smile and she scrunches her face in thought. 

“Alright. He better not weigh us down.” She giggles, setting the broom aside and joining us. We make our way through town, Camilo helping with the occasional baby, me picking things up off the ground for older folks who can’t bend down. 

“Could either of you kids help me?” A woman calls, grabbing our attention. She’s struggling to put up a banner in front of her shop. I hip check Camilo out of the way just as he’s shifting to someone taller to help put it up. He gets his bearings together just as I pin it up with a hammer and nail. “Gracias, (Y/N).” 

¡De nada, señorita!” I smile and we head on our way. “I’m better than you, bro.” 

“Do you smell that?” Camilo dramatically sniffs the air. “‘Cause I smell bullshit.” He calls in a deep voice. 

“Nah, I’m on (Y/N)’s side.” Mirabel elbows Camilo. 

“Thank you, Mira. I’m better because first of all I’m sexier, you could never with your rat headass, and I don’t need to be someone else to help people.” I snap my suspenders against my chest. 

“Rat? Nah. I’m the sexiest motherfucker alive.” 

“Who’s the sexiest motherfucker dead?” Mirabel giggles. 

“George Washington. I’d let him rail me.” Camilo shrugs nonchalantly and we all burst out into laughter.

“Fun fact: America’s founding fathers were huge babies. There’s evidence of Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton sending letters to George Washington basically saying, ‘dad, he keeps looking at me during cabinet meetings.’ ‘Dad, he’s too loud.’” I laugh at Mirabel’s very fun fact and Camilo looks at her quizzically. 

“How do you know this?” He asks, the question marks above his head almost visible. 

“I gotta do something in my freetime. Us without gifts got way more time on our hands than you losers.” 

“I’m really sorry for stealing your gift.” I mumble and her head snaps toward me in an almost primal way. 

“We have been over this. YOU.” She claps. “DID NOT.” Another clap. “STEAL.” Clap. “MY GIFT.” Once more. 

Love Geometry - Camilo x Reader x Mirabel [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now