Epilogue: New Life

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Heyo! This chapter is in your P.O.V. and nothing heated happens. Enjoy!

Mi dulce, could you please check on the bread?” I call, scrubbing the dish in the sink harder. 

“Cami.” Mira groans from the living room. 

“They asked you, not me. I’m busy.” He sasses her. 

“You can’t be all that interested in a book, your brain cell count is negative five.” She spits the words like venom at him. Cousins will be cousins, I suppose. It’s not like I can’t hear everything in this tiny-ass house, including all of their little spats. 

“Could someone please check on my bread? I am not doing these dishes because I want to, I’m doing them because I made bread that I intend to eat. If my beautiful loaf of carbs gets burnt because my partners are idiots, I’ll turn you into bread.” I call. That gets them moving. Threats aren’t used often and they’re never carried out, but they’re a nice way to get my two lovely little boneheads to stop picking on each other. 

Lo siento, mi vida.” Cami whispers to me, leaning over to kiss my cheek. He knows enough not to stand directly behind me, so he’s not a complete idiot but sometimes I worry about him. “¡Ay!” He yelps and when I look over, he’s stumbling back from the oven, holding his hand. 

“Are you alright, mi querido?” I quickly dry my hands, rushing over to him. 

“His dumbass touched the oven.” Mira snickers and I sigh disapprovingly. This is what I mean when I say he worries me. He’s twenty five, he should know not to touch a hot oven. 

“She pushed me!” He whines. Jesucristo, Camilo. 

“How is it that ten years later, you still act like we’re fifteen?” I roll my eyes, hurrying the short distance to the bathroom for our aloe vera and bandage him up. When I return, Cami is running his blistering hand under cold water. 

Miel, your bread is a tad bit undercooked. Ten more minutes should do.” Mira smiles sweetly and I reciprocate before rushing over to take care of my toddler of a boyfriend. 

“Thank you, mi dulce.” I tell her over my shoulder. I reach out for Cami’s hand and he pulls back on instinct. Once he processes it, he relaxes and gently places his hand in mine. He sucks in a sharp breath as I apply a thick layer of the gel-like substance to the burn running from the center of his palm to his mid-forearm. “You really need to be more careful.” I tell him softly, gently wrapping the burn in white medical bandages. 

“I know, I know.” He chuckles. “The house is too small to be roughhousing like that, especially near a hot oven.” He does a terrible impression of me. 

“I don’t sound like that!” I giggle. 

“I don’t sound like that!” Mira joins in Cami’s mocking. 

“I would marry both of you just to divorce you.” I scoff. “But I’m right. We were stupid kids and one of our many mistakes in this house was making it too small. Let’s just be glad Cami never grew past 5’4.” I snicker and he looks pained, and not just from his burn.

“I still have the potential to grow!” 

“No, you don’t.” Mira and I both shake our heads, making him more upset. 

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