Chara Amora Stone: Part 2

Start from the beginning

Yeah. Look, I know you don't want that Rossi girl to be exposed yet until Summer break at the latest. But you may wanna look at the latest post that Ladyblogger made and reconsider that.

Shooting Star 🪡:
Am doing so now

Chara stopped texting for a moment and went to the Ladyblog and what she saw made her see RED.

There in bold underline was the biggest, ugliest, most ridiculous rumor/lie she has ever had the displeasure of seeing and hearing.

Jagged Stone and Penny Rolling in a scandal. Interview with Lila Rossi reveals that Jagged Stone had been involved in a one night stand with some random woman and the result was a unplanned pregnancy. Lila Rossi admitted to being the unknown daughter of Jagged Stone and said unknown woman and was put up for adoption by the mother. More details reveal that Penny Rolling knows of this, and yet she and Jagged are suspected of having romantic feelings for each other.

Viewers, I can't help but to ask is Jagged Stone and Penny Rolling as sweet and awesome as we think? Or is Jagged a player in secret and Penny a scarlet woman? This reporter will not rest until she uncovers and reveals all.

Alya Césaire, determined reporter and concerned citizen

"That Bitch!! I ought to tell that wretched girls mother just to see her get bent over on the knee and spanked like a juvenile five year old! And that gold digging, lying, wast of human flesh I ought to let Kagami run through with her sword, Luka use second chance, Plagg Cataclysm her, Luka use second chance again, and Mrs. and Mr. Rossi show that horrid bitch some well deserved discipline!! Better yet send the girl to a psychiatric ward or boarding school to straighten her out, if she can even be straightened out that is." Chara seethed.

"To be frank, I agree. Alya has gotten way out of hand and Lila really needs shut down immediately. I honestly question if Mrs. and Mr. Rossi are suitable parents if they let their daughter have such free reign and not seem to notice anything." Tikki said in an annoyed voice.

"I don't think it's entirely their fault. Yes they should be around more and notice this kind of stuff, but at the same time a parent never wants to think their child is lying to them, let alone doing such horrid things, but it's that thought frame that keeps them blind to what's going on in a person like Lila's case. At the very least Paris has braincells and doesn't believe any of this. Those two are going down for good, the Ladyblog will be no more before summer break even hits." Chara said.

"Maybe. What shall we do when the Ladyblog is shut down? I mean, the Ladyblog was created to figure out your identity sure, and Alya kept putting herself in danger by blindly walking into danger and not taking the akuma attacks serious enough to stay away a safe distance unless forced to. But it also helped with akuma sightings and warned people to stay away from that general area or steer clear as best they could." Tikki asked.

"We'll just have to create our own blog. Penny could help with the programming, Max can as well should he be redeemable. I can do the design for the blog, and Aurore, Mireille, and Marc can help with ideas for what I can do for the blog aside from have it alert others when an akuma going on. We can go over the details later." Chara said.

"Okay. You should text your dad and Penny back then go downstairs and eat breakfast." Tikki suggested.

"Will do that now." Chara nodded in agreement.

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