part 20

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Thaddius: I feel like I am being watched from the shadows.

Y/n: they were here earlier. When John bull had me. I think they felt something was off with me. So they came to see what was going on.

Thaddius: Are they still here?

Y/n: I don't hear them. So no for now okay love. I just want to be here with you.

Thaddius: aww darling.

You kissed him and he kissed you back. Until you both had to break away for air.

Y/n: why not head back?

Thaddius: okay y/n.

Once you both turned around to head back. Thaddius smacked your butt and you started to blush away from that. So you started to walk faster then and he noticed it. So you guys run back to the hideout. Thaddius let you won the race. Once you both got inside everyone was just waiting for both you.

Y/n: what is wrong here you guys?

Will Maurice and twist: NOTHING IS WRONG HERE!!

Y/n: okay weird.

After everything had happened. Everything is going great thaddius is helping to take down the low class villains along with Will shane. While you work in the mall as a bakery person. Everyone in the mall loves your food that you make. Twist is also helping with you run the store too.

Skipping ahead of the future
4 years later

You and thaddius been living together at that cavern of his. Along with your brother Maurice and nacho.

So Thaddius has been thinking about marrying you. So he went to look for twist for his permission to marry you. Once he found him but he wasn't alone because you were in the room with your brother.

Twist: what about your and thaddius future? Are you both going to have kids.

Y/n: we haven't talked about that but I want to have kids. I don't know if he would want to have any kids. I will need to ask him about it one of these days. I love him alot and I don't want to lose him at all. Can we just change the subject for now and talk about something else.

Twist: okay sister. I have a .... date with some girl.

Y/n: why didn't you tell me! I want all the details about it!

Twist: i can't right now because I have to be going sister okay talk to you later.

Y/n: tell me later twist.

Twist: bye sister!

He leaves the room until thaddius comes into the room with you. He heard everything what you both have said.

Y/n: hey thaddius what do you want to do today.

Thaddius: I was going to ask twist something but looks like he was heading somewhere.

Y/n: he has a date with some girl. I have seen him and this one girl talking away the other day at the store. Maybe it was her he had asked her out.

Thaddius: that's good for him. I want to go to the mall and get somethings. Want to come love.

Y/n: yeah let me get ready thaddius and....

A little lemon here
Be warned ⚠️

Thaddius had kissed you on your neck. You tried not to moan but it did come out. So he holds you tighter and kissed you on the lips.

Y/n: t-thaddius what .... are.. you ..doing?

Thaddius: showing you my love to you.

Y/n: I think we need to move this to the room. You jumped on him and he carries you to the room.

After having a fun time with him for 3  hours.

I don't really do lemon parts so just imagine it okay.

You both got showered and get ready for the mall. He used a string to measure your wedding finger to get the right size.

Thaddius: hey y/n can I see your hand please.

Y/n: yeah love.

He got the string and did it.

Y/n: thaddius why did you have a string on you?

Thaddius: it's something love okay.

Y/n: okay thaddius.

You kissed him and he kissed you back. You both went to the clothing store and you picked out a dress and he picked a suit to let go of that past. You did help him with that and he only looked good wearing color black and red. Once you both got done with clothes shopping and the people are trusting him more. The kids and Will shane was there to get somethings too. Thaddius was changing his suit into different kind of suit. They walked over to you.

Will: hey you both what are you guys up too?

Y/n: just clothes shopping will. He just went to change his suit.

Thaddius: what do you think about this... hey Will and the young adults here.

When you guys turned around and seen him. You started to blush hard so you had to turn away from him.

Eli: trying something new thaddius.

Thaddius: yeah I am. He started to think about the thing until kord said something.

Kord: hey thaddius is something wrong?

Thaddius: uh no nothing is wrong here just thinking that's all.

Kord: okay.

Thaddius: I just need to talk to Will about something. If you don't mind walking with me Will.

Will: of course thaddius.

They both walked to a place that thaddius wouldn't go to but here they are. The jewelry store.

Will: why are we here for?

Thaddius: I want to purpose to y/n but  I just need to ask twist on it. Right now he is on a date with some girl. Even though I can't ask her father about it. She means alot to me Will and I don't want to lose her. I just need twist blessing to marry her.

Twist and his lady are at the mall too. To get some food until they seen thaddius and Will at the jewelry store.  He heard everything what they said.

Twist: thaddius if you want to marry my sister it's alright. You have my blessing sir.

Thaddius and Will turned around to see him and his lady with him.

Thaddius: how much did you hear?

Twist: all of it. Just get her the ring ....

He looks the other way. He seen you and the others coming his way.

Lady: I'll distraction them while you guys get the ring because I think they are coming now.

Thaddius: thank you miss.

Lady: of course sir.

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