Then she started pulling documents out of a folder
"This here, states that all of his affairs, his money, his properties, that isn't tied to us of course... is left to you... Colt Amata" she said
"What?" He asked, frozen in his seat.

I mean, it's hardly surprising, before everything blew up, he was on... good terms with Lord
Why wouldn't he leave everything to his son?

"You get everything" I chuckled
It's funny now after everything that happened
He spoke to Colt like shit. Colt ended up killing him
And now he owns everything he once had
The thought alone couldn't stop my laughter.

"Is she alright?" Cleo asked, looking at me weirdly
"Yeah, she gets like this sometimes" Alex shrugged
"I get... everything?" Colt said in disbelief.

"Yes" the red headed woman said, seemingly bored of his shocked reaction
"And you, get this" she said, sliding a tape across the table
"What?" I asked. I wasn't supposed to have anything
I only came to support Colt.

"Colt you onl-"
"I know, they wanted you here as well I just... I didn't think you'd come if I told you the truth" he said
"Fuck sake" I said, grabbing the tape
"What is it?" I asked
"I don't know, I'm the messenger, not the reincarnate" she said, standing up.

"That is all" she said, attempting to leave
"That's it?" I asked, looking over the tape and the writing scrawled across it
In case you actually get me, here's a symbol of our family
"No big attack, no grand gesture of fuck you?" I asked, glancing at her behind my shoulder
"No" she said simply, leaving.

Hm, maybe they're still figuring what to do now Lord is dead
Either way they've been off our back for a while.

"Great, done and dusted, shall we go?" Alex asked
"Hang on" I said, moving over to the tv behind us in the corner of the office
"Really? We can do this at home?" Alex said
"It'll only take a second" I said.

"We don't have to do this at all" Colt said
"Whatever dad left you, it won't be good" he said
"I'm not expecting a heartwarming message Colt" I said, waiting for the video to play.

And when it did. I was rooted to the spot
Because I knew those screams before the image even came on
"What the fuck?" Colt said
And there it was. My so called father's final message to me.

The cctv footage. Of my mother
Of him beating my mother... to death
Of me tied up and screaming at him to stop
I felt the first few tears gather in my eyes, blurring my vision.

"Is that..."
"Mother" I let out quietly
"Oh Viv" Alex said, kneeling down beside me
"Jesus" Cleo said in shock
"Why would he..." Colt faltered
"Because he's a sick bastard" I said, pressing eject quickly.

"Thank god he's dead" I said, grabbing the tape and leaving
"What? What do you want me to say Colt? He was a psycho, and now he's dead. If I could bring him back to life I would just to slit his throat and kill him again" I said.

I'd been sat here for ages. Just looking out at the sun setting off the balcony
I wanted some time alone
Silence was best when my mind got like this.

I needed it to calm down. To go quiet again. I couldn't very well get my anger out while I was pregnant.

I don't know what else I expected from him.

"Baby?" I turned my head, to see Lucian in the doorway between the balcony and the room
"Hey" I said
"Come here" he said, engulfing me in his arms.

And I couldn't help but to break down.

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