20| Exchange

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"My darling, you hold so much sadness in your eyes, I can almost touch the scars of your soul and cry"              - Alexandra Vasiliu

"My darling, you hold so much sadness in your eyes, I can almost touch the scars of your soul and cry"              - Alexandra Vasiliu

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~ Now ~
{ Vivienne }

"What is that?" I asked curiously
"Code, I can figure out what it means but it'll take time" Dom explained
"I don't have time Dom" I said. I needed to find Dimitri
The organisation were fucking savages.

I glanced at the screens about my background
There was a photo on the screen, of my mother with a man, a man that looked familiar but I couldn't figure out why.

I was snapped out of my observations when I felt arms pull me into a chest
I groaned in pain
"Sorry, but don't leave me like that" I heard Lucian say, before he pulled away slightly and looked me over.

"I'm okay, I promise" I said, I wasn't. It was hurting like a bitch.
But I didn't want him worrying, I could see the stress he was going through
I felt like murdering everyone in my path until I had Dimitri back in my arms.

"So what do we do till then?" Alex asked
"We wait" Lucian said begrudgingly
I felt my pockets, my fingers grazing against the card Lord had left for me.

I didn't want to tell Lucian about it. He'd only refuse the idea or we'd lead them on, storm the place and it may go wrong
I didn't want to take the chance

I needed to get my baby back, and I know that meant going for it alone
I left the room, leaving them to try and figure out what all the code was.

I sat outside, flipping the card over and over in my hand, I need to do it
I'd rather have my life on the line than my baby
So I called him. And I waited. And waited.

"What?" I heard Lord's voice ask
"I'll come back" I said simply, I heard him take a deep breath
"I'm glad you came to your senses" he said
"Bring me my baby, then you can have me" I said.

I know they didn't want me back to work for them. They wanted to ruin me. They wanted to break me and punish me for leaving them.
The years they've waited will only add on to the torture
But I'd give my life a thousand times for Dimitri.

"A deals a deal. We need to ensure we'll be able to collect you without any... interference" he said
"I'll meet you. Anywhere just... bring my son back" I said
"You come to the location, and I'll ensure he's returned" he said.

"I don't trust you" I said
"And I don't trust you, so it seems we'll both be out of our comfort zones. Have a little faith" he said simply, before he hung up, and then I got a text, with an address.

I sighed, heading upstairs to get dressed
I just needed to slip out without Lucian noticing
I got dressed, bringing my gun and knives with me
I knew they'd be taken off me, but it was better to have them on me just in case.

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