19| Fight

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"I will look at you across any room and think you are the most beautiful person I've ever seen for as long as I breathe" - A. R. Asher

~ Now ~ { Vivienne }

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~ Now ~
{ Vivienne }

"What happened?" Alex asked, striding into the house
"He's gone! He's fucking gone they took him" I said distressed
"Hey... calm down" Lucian said, grabbing me and pulling me into him.

"What?!" Rowan asked shocked
"We need to find them" I said shakily
"I know baby-"
"No we need to find them Lucian! They don't play around, they'll kill him" I shouted
"Any sign of Sorin?" Cassian asked, coming out of the tech room.

"No. Nothing" Alex replied
They only got here a few minutes ago, but I needed everyone to help us
I needed to find my fucking baby.

"They took him for leverage right?" Rowan asked, I nodded. They had to have done
"So then they'll contact you, we just have to wait it out" he explained
"Wait it out? My son is kidnapped, ty chertovski nenormal'nyy?" Lucian shouted.

Are you fucking insane?

"Ne krichi na menya, my pytayemsya pomoch'" Rowan shouted back
Don't shout at me, we're trying to help

"They- they're right Lucian" I mumbled
"What?" He asked incredulously
"They're right, but they're also out there somewhere, even if we have to wait we may as well send out a search party, canvas some of the abandoned warehouses... anything" I suggested.

He sighed, his whole attitude was just... pained
I know how he feels.
"Yeah let's... let's group together" Rowan said determined
"Oh fuck off, at least you've got your kid" he said bitterly, storming off.

The divorce went well, and I know that he got joint custody, meaning he can see Kamala when he wants.
He moved to go after him, but I held my hand up
"I'll go" I said, following after Lucian.

I found him sat in the garden, it was 3 in the morning now.
"Sugar" I muttered, sitting down next to him
He had his head in his hands
"I'm sorry... I just- I just..."
"I know" I said softly, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"That's why we need to get out there, we need to look even if they don't want to be seen" I said, he nodded
"I don't want think we should split up though" he said
"They want me, and even if they find me... they want me alive. The only one in danger here is Dimitri and I won't... I won't let them..." I couldn't finish that sentence.

I couldn't even finish the thought
He sighed
"Let's get all the men we can, you're right. Looking is better than just waiting" he said, standing up
I nodded, standing too
I grabbed his arm before he could walk away.

"I love you" I said softly, he grabbed the back of my head gently, pulling me in for a kiss
"I love you too" he whispered against my lips.

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