chapter; twenty nine.

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A mysterious box. Again?

It's been a month that he consistently recieving some obscure mailbox every now and then without knowing who was the sender or even its whereabouts of the box. At the first few days, he really thought it was probably Jun who is playing a prank on him by keeping it secret but after some times, the same things still happen that it becomes a little bit creepy to him.

Wonwoo stopped for the past seconds, standing infront of his house looking at the mysterious box that keeps appearing everyday with different kinds of overwhelming surprise from someone that is probably a creepy person as of what he imagined. After a long consideration, wonwoo picked up the box at the end, it would be so cruel to leave out some adorable thing to lone outside of the doorway. Because for some reason, he does feels a weird connection from it.

He opened the box without any hesitation. There was some cute handmade accessories in it with a polaroid photo of the sunset by the sea following by the small letters under the pictures.

'I thought of you while taking this.'

As he checked on the polaroid, his eyes locked on the letter under it which wrapping up so pleasantly.


To my one and only true love,

    Are you doing well? I hope you are spending your time well. Eats alot of foods and is having a good time. I'm sorry for not finding you sooner than this, I couldn't bring myself to stand in front of you after what happened. The thought of you hating me, I can't stand that. It would be a lie to says I don't mind you hating me when it does but I won't mind you hating me for the rest your life, just by knowing you're living your life well, I couldn't ask for more.

I know you would probably hate it that I approached you this way. But don't worry, I won't bother you like that again, just promise me that you will always be safe and living a good life. I love you so much and i will always do. To be honest, I never realised how or when did i fall for you but all the moments that we spent together, believe me, I means each and every one of it.



Just as he finished reading the letter, a drip of tear flows down to stopped on the letter he's holding, unknowingly. Wonwoo immediately runs to the door, checking if he's still here, checking if he was still waiting outside. But there's not even a shadow that would show up infront of his eyes.

What does he mean by not bothering him anymore? Was that all it takes? Did he really chose to give up that easily?

Little does he know, he keeps secretly waiting for him every single days. wishing that he could show up one day but none of it has happened. Desperately enough, why does he get his hope up so high just with this stupid act?

"I hate you so much, Mingyu. I really do."

Snow breezes started swishing through the guy's hair, that's when he realized that he had been dozing off outside on the hallway for quite long enough that the cold started to get into him even with those thickness of clothes he had on.

Wonwoo lifted up his head, having the thought to somewhat keeping him dozing off this time.

He contacted Jun as soon as he finished reading the letter from mingyu yesterday, why? He would asked myself the same question. It's hilarious because He would be laughing at himself too if he were to see how desperate he act from a different point of view. He get to know that Jun was the one to give out my address to him. It's pretty obvious that they are getting back together which isn't a problems to bother him, wonwoo would be the happiest person on earth seeing his friend being happy. He doesn't want Jun to abandon his own happiness just because of what happened between him and mingyu.

"Mingyu said he went somewhere, I don't see him for the past weeks too."  That was what Jun said last night. That thought of him shouldn't be the reason to keep him awake all night but it actually does, was that what he really meant? To not bothering him anymore?

Deeply lost in the thoughts, he unknowingly bumped into someone along the sideways, wonwoo immediately apologizing to person he bumped into without even taking a look first.

"Long time no see, brother."

The person greeted, and without taking a decent look, wonwoo could already tell from afar who was it by the voice that he heard.

What more does he want? Isn't the things he caused not satisfied enough?

"Mind sparing some time alone with just between us?" Sunwoo offered, showing his gratitude smile all over again just as how he usually does.

"We have nothing to talk. If you want to cause more problems for me, spare it. I have no time for that." Wonwoo claims, before proceeding to walk away from him.

The things between them should've been cleared long enough. He hasn't heard from him since that day, why is he suddenly showing up again now.

"Im sure we have alot to talk."

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