chapter; twenty one.

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"what do you mean? the new student, sunwoo, is your first love???" minghao shockingly asked as he couldn't catch up a thing with what mingyu just told them.

mingyu nodded.

"and he is wonwoo, your now boyfriend's brother?!" he continues asking.

mingyu nodded the second times.

"and you didn't just date him for our deal but actually like him?"

mingyu nodded again.

"gosh, this is confusing." minghao sigh while shaking his head.

"so, does that means you're dating your long life crush's brother?" vernon take the turn to ask him.

"uhm." mingyu nodded before he continues "but they're not related. the thing is sunwoo have the video record of us talking about that deal... and he threatens me to dump wonu." mingyu explains everything one by one.

hoping to find a solution by talking to these two.

"is he insane??" said minghao.

"what are u gonna do?" vernon asked.

he knew all along with how mingyu feel towards wonwoo and he doesn't want that to ruined just in a minute.

"i don't know" mingyu response. he paused for a second before continuing "i might sounds selfish but i don't want wonwoo to know. he won't ever think of me the same way again.." he sighed.

the two looked at him with a blank expression. they really can't think of anything at the moment. in fact, they shouldn't even started that stupid deal in the first place.

"mingyu ah, it's for the best but i think you should tell him." minghao suggested.

it's still better to be honest, right?

"should i?" said mingyu.

"yeah, hao is right. go for it." vernon agreeing with minghao as well as cheering for mingyu.


"no but. so that you will not regret later." minghao cutted him.

mingyu looked at the both of them for a second before nodding agreeing to them.

he think it's still better to tell wonwoo by himself.


later on that day, mingyu called to wonwoo. they made up from that day but wonwoo said he will still need some time before he can find a good reason for himself.

it's been two days since the last time he saw wonwoo. they haven't met up these days, wonwoo is still avoiding him and try not to let himself engaging with him.

and now that he knows clearly how does it feels to be ignored by the person you love the most.

"wonu, it's me." mingyu said as soon as the other person picked up the phone, he looked up to apartment that wonwoo is staying, standing infront of apartment's gate.

"oh, gyu. what's it?" the other side asked while waiting for mingyu to answer him.

to be true, he actually waiting for his call.

"i just miss you" he smiled. "you're free tomorrow, right? let's meet up at our usual place. don't try to make an excuse! i know you're free." mingyu cuts him before he could even rejected him once again.

wonwoo paused for a second before agreeing to mingyu.

he want to act like he doesn't even want to meet but deep down in his heart, he knows he want it too.

"i have something to say...and i want to see you, too." mingyu said softly while looking up to his room once again before ending the call.

wonwoo let out a smile at the end of the call. he miss him so much that even one single call from that person could light up his whole mood.

but the smile slowly fade away when a message from an anonymous person suddenly popped up on his phone screen.

wonwoo went to the message and check it quickly due to the curiosity of him.

from: unknown

; you're probably thinking you're the happiest person on earth right now, am i right?

; but it's still a pity, wonwoo ah, it's a pity that the happiness you're having right now isnt even real.

; who are you?

; that isn't necessary now lol

an unknown sent you a video.

wonwoo clicked on the video and the moment he opened it, his heart was already sank.

"are you sure you're not actually falling for wonwoo?"

"w-what are you talking about? of course im not!"

"well, you have been clinging to him everytime that it doesn't seem to be an act?"

" no. how could i, like him? we talked about this, it's for our deal? i could drop him in any time."

wonwoo dropped the phone in a reflection, he couldn't believe what has just heard. he would prefer this to be hidden from him but the truth can't avoided, right?

you're too naive, jeon wonwoo.

wonwoo thought to himself. yes, he was too naive to actually trust someone so quickly especially, that person. he should have listen to his instinct from the start before falling this hard for someone that treat him as some bet.

he could have.

he didn't know that it would hurt this hurts him so bad that the only thing he could do right now is laughing at himself. laughing at himself for being this dumb, for falling for someone that hard. he doesn't know what to do now. he wanted to ask mingyu but he is too afraid to hear the truth, at least not from the person he love.


the next day still have to come, mingyu came to the café even before the time they have planned.

he looks nervous and excited at the same times. he is excited to see wonwoo and have always been but what worrying him is that he doesn't know how will wonwoo react to this.

will he be mad? would he still talk to him? would he forgive him? what if he won't talk to him again? what if, what if he won't get to see him again? what if he will lose him today.

all these questions are running around his head and he couldn't think of anything besides the thought of what will come next after he confessed everything to wonwoo?

the love deal | meanie. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang