Its okay, my dear ~ Julian Devorak

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You were currently at The Palace.
You all decided to hang out there, catch up, have fun, and all that.

Your anxiety had other plans.
With so many people room your anxiety was already on high alert. You weren't really paying attention (trying to disract yourself and have fun) someone had said somthing and it had upset Asra thus making them angry.

It to made the Countness herself upset. The sudden mood shift made your anxiety worsen. With everyone angry, and or upset, you didn't know what to do.

The only logical thing was to hold Julian's (who was standing right next to you) hand. He intertwined his fingers with yours not fully understanding why you were doing this in the first place.

With your free hand, you traced his 'tattoo.' It always brought him comfort when you did so. You leaned your head on his arm and closed your eyes, trying ro zone out od rhe argument your friends were having.

...It didn't work...

You eventually hugged Juilan trying to stop this horrible and sinking feeling. He wrapped his arms around you, one around your waist, the other around your shoulders. You rested your arms on his chest, nuzzling into him. He then rested his chin on the top of your head.

After awhile (just to be sure,)

"Would you like to leave, my dear?" he asked just above a whisper, so no one else could hear it.

You nodded your head, "mhm... To loud." you to said just so he could hear.

"...Okay..." he said calmly. He then lead the two of you out of the tea room and into the guest room Nadia had prepared for the two of you.

He took of his shoes and climbed into the bed, gesturing for you to do the same, so you did. You felt a little better being alone (with Juilan of course) and dozens of soft blankets and pillows.

You snuggled into his chest, sighing because of how frustrated you were with yourself.

Why had you said anything?

Are they annoyed at you? Of course the were.

Is Juilan mad at you because you made him?

Would he be?

He asked you if you wanted to leave not him.

You convinced yourself you could hear the others arguing for up here.

The inevitable sinking feeling came back.

You were trying your best to stop the tears, whether that be by moving, sniffing, or even cuddling closer to Juilan.

You thought this annoyed him so you stopped. This made the sinking feeling get worse.

The tears couldn't be stopped, a poet would describe them as,
'waves that keep coming, no matter how one trys they can't escape the Moons desperate crys for help.'

Julian caught on quick, wrapping his arms around you.

"I'm sorry..." you said in between sobs

"For what, my love? You have every right to cry, no matter the reason." he replied truthfully. This made the sobs worsen.

"Oh, my dear..." he tightened his grip on you, pulling you closer to his chest. He craddled your head, the other around your waist.

You nuzzled your face into his neck whilst curling up (the best you could) into a ball. One hand went behind his head, the other rested on his shoulder, not verbally telling him 'thank you.'

After a while you had calmed just enough to fully stop crying. With the help of Julian of course.

He continued to rub your back as it was helping. Now you were to tired to keep crying.

"Its Okay, my dear. Everything will be okay." he kissed the top of your head.

After that the world went black.

You had fallen asleep.

"I love you..." he said noticing your sleeping figure. "Every bit of you." Then he to went to sleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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