Late Valentine's Day~How you celebrate

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Asra Alanzar:

The two of you (including faust) would spend all day inside cuddled up in a blanket fort, with tea, pumpkin bread, and chocolate.


Julian Devorak:

Julian would go all out. Fancy dinners (made by Mazelinka), chocolate, wine (that he most definitely stole), flowers from the palace, gifts. He wants to impress you.


Portia Devorak:

She wouldn't let you lift a finger. first it was breakfast in bed, then she surprised you with flowers and chocolate, she made you lunch, brought you gifts, and she made you dinner.

(lots of cuddles after)


Nadia Satrinava:

She had bought the (probably most expensive) largest bouquet of flowers in Vesuvia. She had organized breakfast in bed. She bought you (probably the biggest box of chocolates you've ever seen) chocolate, new clothes she had made for you. She gifted jules from all around the world to you. She organized lunch in the gardens.

She almost had thrown a party for. She organized dinner and a dance in the moonlight

Lucio Morgansson:

He absolutely spoiled you. I'm talking jules, flowers, chocolate, sliks from across the world, food so expensive you could by another palace! He almost (you had to stop him) built a statue of you.


He doesn't really celebrate holidays. He did get you a bouquet of flowers though!


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