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Muriel had woken up without you there. He was about to go back to sleep when he found a small bouquet of Forget-Me-not's, with a small note attached to it, it read:

Sorry you didn't wake up to my face, or by me kissing yours, Asra needed help at the shop while they worked at the palace. I hope you liked the flowers, I thought they looked pretty. Not as pretty as your eyes of course. I'll be back In a week or so, though I'm sure you'll be glad I'm gone.

I hope you enjoy your peace and quiet,

- Love,
your Y/N

P.S I made breakfast! <3
He smiled at the fact you made him breakfast, but was saddened that you thought he didn't want you here.
A few days had past and Muriel was going insane without you here,

'Maybe I could visit them?' he thought
'Would they want me there?'
'Would I be intruding?'

Inanna was whining at the door. He made up his mind to go see you.
I was tending to the shop, missing Muriel, wanting to be in his arms.

'What if he is happy I'm gone?'

'What if he doesn't want to see me again.'

'does he love me? Or was he pretending so he wouldn't hurt my feelings?'

These negative thoughts fogged my brain. I heard the door open to reveal Asra and Nadia standing in the door way.

"oh dear, Y/N I don't mean to pry, but are you alright?" said the voice of a worried Countness.

"Did Muriel do something?" asked a worried Asra.

"Muriel could do no wrong, Asra." I replied thinking about how sweet he was to me.

"You really love him, don't you?" they asked though they already knew the answer

"Yes, but I fear he might not love me, Asra."

They laughed, "Muriel not love you? God, you're all he talks about!" they continued to laugh

"I have to agree with Asra on this, Y/N." said the voice of a Julian who somehow snuck his way into the shop

"He has never said it, I love you I mean..." I said quietly
I walked to Y/N's shop. Trying to ignore the weird stares I received. Before I knocked on the door. I could hear voices. They were talking about me.

'Maybe I shouldn't have come'

'Did I do something wrong?'

The negative thoughts came back. I decided to leave so, I ran, I ran back to the forest, where I knew I wouldn't be found
Hours had passed by. It was dark, cold, and I thought it was going to rain. Inanna stayed at the shop. She always did like Y/N.
Y/N, I loved them I truly did.

After a little while longer I heard the crunch of leaves. someone was coming. I couldn't care though. To deep in my thoughts.

"Inanna, slow down! Whats wrong!?" yelled the voice I deeply missed "Is Muriel alright?! Inanna!"

Inanna had finally reached me whining as she came to nuzzle up to my hand

"Muriel....?" they asked to be sure it was me, "Hey..." they cooed lovingly. "Whats wrong? Did I do something?" they asked afraid they pushed me the wrong way

"I..." the rest was mumbled

"Muriel, honey, you have to speak up dear, I can't hear you..." they said as calm as ocean waves slowly over lapping with each other. Their presence made me calm. Just them talking to me.

"I You...."

They went silent.

"I made this awkward didn't I? I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Is that the bouquet I left you?" they asked noticing the flowers in my hand

"n-no.... I picked these ones.... for you... You said you liked them so I-I thought..."

They giggled, "can I have them?" I handed the flowers to them. "I love forget-me-nots. Oh the pretty blue color" if their eyes could sparkle they would "They remind me of us!" they giggled


They sat down next to me and leaned on my arm

"Are we okay?" they asked "Did I upset you by leaving? I didn't mean to I promise...." they cooed

One of my hands went to their face. My other hand stayed where it was, but I interlocked our fingers. I had the courage to look them in the eyes.

"I love you...." I said more confident than last time. They gave me a soft smile.

"I love you, Muriel..." they then rested their forehead against mine.

The night then fell silent, none of us said a word.

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