Loved~Julian Devorak

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Am I good enough, for them?
For anyone?
Everyone seems annoyed by my very presence.

"Jules?" asked a small voice.
I recognized the voice immediately. It belonged to Y/N, the love of my life.

"Julian?" they asked again. I was so in my own thoughts I forgot how to speak.

"Julian are you here...? I can leave if you don't want me here..." They sounded sad, and I hated that so I made myself visible. I couldn't look them in the eyes.

"Julian!" they sounded happy to see me. Their smile dropped "Hey, are you okay...?" they asked walking to me. I just looked down afraid that if I express my thoughts they'd leave me.
They wrapped their hands around my waist and buried their face in my chest. I didn't know what to do, afraid that they'll be uncomfortable, or they'll get angry at me.

They sighed of contentment

"You won't hug me back will you?" they looked up at me. I couldn't escape their eyes It was warm and I didn't want to leave. I slowly (just to be sure) wrapped my arms around the middle of their back. They snuggled closer to me and adjusted their arms.

"You smell nice..." they said "you don't have to tell me whats wrong, but I'm always here if you need me, meine liebe..."

Tears streamed down my face, I couldn't stop them even if I tried.

"I love you, Julian, forever and always." they said

I hugged them tighter not wanting to let go.

I was now sobbing. For the first time I felt genuinely loved.


What felt like an hour of you telling Julian how much you love him and that you wouldn't trade him for anyone anywhere, he was now asleep in your arms, calm and happy.

You wondered when the last time he genuinely had sleep.
You played with his hair a bit before you to, fell asleep.

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