part 8

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Nightmare and Cross would come to schools to help teach magic in hopes that Chara and Frisk would be found. So far there was no luck. But they did like Damien. He was the only one who didn’t seem scared to be with them.

The kids of course hated and feared Damein even more now, as he is friends with Nightmare and Cross. Of course, they like him for the same reason the kids are scared of him. They also enjoyed how eager he was.

Nightmare had Damien on his shoulders after school, as he had to wait for his foster dad to pick him up when someone came to Nightmare and Damien’s teacher. They whispered something to them and Nightmare left Damien with Cross, along with another kid that Damien didn’t recognize. This kid had black hair and dark gray eyes, opposing Damien’s white hair and red eyes.

“Hello.” The kid said. He didn’t seem bothered by Damien or Cross.

“Hello!” Damien replied. “What’s your name?”

“Aiden. What are your guys' names?”

Cross introduced himself as did Damien. Soon the kids got into a game of tag with each other while Cross watched.

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