part 3

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Nightmare had growled at Horror. Horror’s eyes widened in fear, but he growled back. Nightmare just growled louder which caused Horror to leave. He checked Cross and Frisk for injuries. Frisk was fine while Cross had a mild bite mark from Horror.

Nightmare had the two go into the castle’s medical room and had Cross take off his jacket and sweater to get to the bite. Nightmare cleaned and bandaged it and then walked with Cross and Frisk to their room. 

Cross unlocked the door and had Frisk go in. He locked the door behind them. Chara was curled up, half asleep. Cross had Frisk wait by the door and he talked to Chara. Cross picked him up and set him down by Frisk. It took them a moment, but they quickly hugged each other when they realized who the other was.

“Hi! Frisk oh my creators you are alive!” Chara said happily.

“I know! We are both here and so is Cross!” Frisk replied, matching the energy.

Cross just laughed and said, “I’m glad to have the two of you here with me.” The humans felt the same.

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