part 4

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After about two months, there had been many incidents when Horror would try to eat Frisk and Chara. It got bad enough that Cross would have to leave them in the room and get their food or whatever they needed. 

Occasionally Nightmare would let them out and have them stay right by his side so they can walk around and not be cooped up in the room twenty-four-seven. 

It is just a mess.

Cross came into the room with a grim look. "Boys. Pack up. Get your things."

"Why?" Chara asked as he sat up from the bed.

"I'll explain later. Frisk come on, get up." He shook Frisk awake.

As the boys were packing up, Cross explained. "As I'm sure you know, you guys are in constant fear of getting hurt in some way." The kids nodded to confirm this. "Well, I'm taking you to a human friend to care for you. You will no longer be in danger."

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