part 7

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Two years later a young child was sitting under a tree while the other kids were playing at recess. He was never allowed to play with them as his red eyes scared the other fifth graders.

Damien has natural white hair and red eyes, reasoning being albinism. It is where the body has little to no melanin in its system, leaving naturally pale skin, and light eyes and hair.

The other kids are afraid of him due to his looks when in reality he is a sweet kid with a big heart.

Soon the class was called back in from recess and everyone in Damien's class scampered to get in line first.

They went into the class and the kids were nervous, as standing in front of the classroom, there were two skeletons. 

The human children were taught to fear and hate monsters, now they have no clue what to do as there were two skeletons in the room.

Damien was not scared. He went to them and greeted them. "Hello! How are you?"

The taller of the two knelt down to get to his eye level. "Hello little one. What is your name?"

"My name is Damien. What's yours?"

The tall skeleton chuckled. "My name is Nightmare."

The smaller skeleton spoke for the first time to introduce himself. "And I am Cross."

"Alright class, go sit down." The teacher said, "Damien don't bother them"

"He's fine." Nightmare said as he picked up Damien.

"Damien, if he holds you, will you pay attention?" Damien nodded.

Nightmare held Damien for the rest of the day.

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