Chapter 19 : Immorality

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Chapter 19 : Immortality

Saturday 31st December 2020


the ability to live forever; eternal life.
"eating the fruit gave the gods immortality

Ever since I've been home my social life has been weird. People are either treating me like I'm broken glass or pretending like everything's completely alright.

Except Ezra.

He's been avoiding me and Levi whenever he can and if he does see us he makes it insanely awkward. As if on cue, Ezra walks down the stairs and into the room where me and Levi are cuddling and watching Netflix. From the moment he walks in, I sense the feeling of familiar anxiety. I peer up at Levi, discomfort brushes his features.

My brother coughs like he's announcing his presence, "Mum told me to" he mumbles.

"What was that?"

Annoyed, he huffs a big breath and repeats himself in a more aggressive tone - making sure to emphasise the words, "Mum told me to tell you about the New Years party and to get Levi's body off you."

"Mum told you to tell me that Levi's body needed to be off me" i raise an eyebrow. My brother really is a dumbass.

"I added that." Ezra's eyes seem to be anywhere but us. Like I seriously think he's looking at the wall clock for the first time in about 3 years.

"Ok. Then no."

"FOR GOD'S SAKE ALLIE- no. You know what, just get ready for the party, cause I'm going anyway," he gives us an intense stink eye as he stomps upstairs like an angry toddler.

I roll my eyes.



"Why isn't he over it by now" I say to Levi as I apply my makeup.

Even though I've been practicing for ages, I still don't get the hang of it and it always ends up looking like the sort of thing you would do on your mum as a child with your cheap make-up set from 'Claire's'.

"Well if you found out Quinn was dating your brother would you be over it by now," Levi puts his head in the crook of my neck as places a light kiss there. Shivers are sent like jolts down my spine as he grips his hand around my neck and carries on brushing his lips over my collarbone and up towards my ear, "and anyway, you're mine. Only mine. He can't change that no matter how hard he tries."

"Your right," taking my wrists with one hand he loops them around his neck, keeping them securely there, "also ew. Kiss me like right now to get the image of them together out of my head."

I peck his lips then reapply my glossier lip gloss from its ultra tiny bottle. "How much longer is this gonna take?!"

We look at each other via the mirror, eyes connecting. We communicate by facial expressions, him giving me an impatient toddler kind of vibe while stare him down, smirking slightly at one side, "I'm almost finishedddd. It's not like I'm wearing much, because you rushed me,'' I gesture to my mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss.

"Wait, I forgot the concealer!" After a few minutes of rummaging through my makeup jars, I come out with nothing, "where is it?"

"Allie you don't need ittt! Because you, my beautiful girlfriend, are perfect."

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