|29| Business and grief

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"The Colombians delivered the cocaine shipments two weeks overdue

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"The Colombians delivered the cocaine shipments two weeks overdue." My uncle was standing in front of the huge meeting table where I and six other men were sitting. For a few hours I had been sitting here in the middle of business with my uncle at his residence.

Raffaele was sitting next to me, Luca was standing in front of the window and Shadow was lying on the floor near me. My uncle, that is, my father's brother and Vera's father was at the other end of the huge long table, facing me.

Raffaele began to explain, "Our customers have become impatient, if this happens again then we will have to find another vendor and another supplier."

Luca nodded while absently looking out the window, "Contacting some people in Peru or Bolivia would be the best solution if something like this happens again."

My uncle looked at me and I nodded as if to tell him that what my brother and one of my best men said was true.

"Gino," I addressed my uncle, my elbows propped on the table as I straightened slightly, "I have shitloads to do in the near future. I don't need a problem with the snow deliveries from Colombia right now. Take care of it."

My uncle nodded slightly and made a slight hand gesture to another man in the room who walked over to the bags on the table and opened them. The man with the dirty blond hair reached into them and pulled out a wrapped bundle, pulled a pocket knife from his pants pocket, and deftly slit one end of the package.

The man looked at me, approached me, and placed the package on the table in front of me, afterwards he moved back to stand near my uncle, his pocket knife tucked back into his pocket.

I stared at the bundle in front of me, white powder peeking out of the slit part of the package.

Cocaine. Freshly delivered from Colombia, but 2 weeks later than usual.

"The Spaniards got involved, they take care of the shipments, so I suppose they could help us with the problems." Continued my uncle, "They should be arriving at any moment, I assume you have heard that they are in the country?"

Raffaele, Luca and I nodded dully, whereupon a muffled noise and a few muffled voices sounded from outside the door. "Speaking of them." murmured Gino and a little later the door that led to this room opened.

Manuel, the older man and leader of the cartels in Spain entered the room first. His gaze was tense but became more relaxed when he saw me, throwing me a tired smile.

I returned it and straightened up from my chair so that I was standing in front of the table, ready for a respectful greeting for an old friend of my father.

My slight tired smile faded as soon as I saw who entered the room next. Francisco.

The muscles in my face tensed as I watched him enter the room with a woman beside him, a smirk on his face. The woman had brown hair, a little darker, nearly wet at the hairline. It looked like something was off about her.

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