|15| Location found

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The smoke from Raffaele's cigarette wafted around the room as we waited for one of the tech guys to find a street camera or anything else that might lead us to Valentin

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The smoke from Raffaele's cigarette wafted around the room as we waited for one of the tech guys to find a street camera or anything else that might lead us to Valentin.

Finding the one warehouse narrowed the search down quite a bit, better than looking for some airfield where the Russian members of the Mafia might have taken off.

I made myself comfortable on a chair, with a particularly stressed guy sitting next to me, impatiently typing away on his keyboard.

Raffaele was standing in front of an open window to let at least some of his cigarette smoke out of the room. My gaze found Antonio whose leg was bobbing impatiently while he sat in a chair across from me.

It feels like we've been sitting here for hours. Nobody said anything and slowly the silence became quite annoying.

Click. Click. Click.

I exhaled in annoyance at the loud sounds of keys being pressed down on the keyboard without anyone finding anything.


I looked over at the guy sitting next to me at the computer, staring at me questioningly.

"Do you mind if I try it out?" I pointed at the keyboard.

My question seemed to take the man by surprise, his gaze shifted to Antonio as if to ask for his permission.

After a nod from his boss, the guy next to me got up from his swivel chair and motioned for me to sit down.

I nodded to him and sat down, my fingers hovering on the keyboard as I stared at the screen. Green codes stretched across a black background.

"You can do that?" asked Raffaele as he blew smoke from his mouth into the room.

My eyes just flew over the code the guy in front of me had already written. The other men at the computers in the room were still sitting intently in front of their screens.

"I haven't been on any missions for the last three years." I casually mentioned as I deleted a line of code and inserted a new line.

My statement seemed to get the attention of the two brothers in the room, because they looked at me as if to signal that I should continue.

"I hid from them in many countries and lived my life." I shrugged.

"From the Russian mafia?" Antonio threw the next question into the room.

Raffaele chuckled lowly and flicked his cigarette out the window, which I saw out of the corner of my eye.

I nodded as my fingers flew across the keyboard and I wrote the next line of code.

The men here were clearly trying to hack the security cameras of the many ports in New York City. So, everyone here had an area they were scanning.

"I trained to be a nurse, in many different countries. I had to kind of make fake passports and cover my tracks. So yeah, I can do that."

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