|25| Temptress

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Silence surrounded us as I said nothing and just stared at him

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Silence surrounded us as I said nothing and just stared at him.

He swallowed, "Aren't you going to say anything?" He sent me a small smile, displaying his pearly white teeth to me.

"Actually, no." I shrugged. After all, I practically know everything about him now. He doesn't seem to hide what he's up to. And I'm one hundred percent sure that Antonio is responsible for this whole situation.

"Well, anyway, I will accompany you from now on, Miss Lenkov." He made a hand gesture to follow him and I gave him a slight nod.

"I have to report everything you do while you are here. For your own safety, of course." He glanced over his shoulder at me. One of the corners of my mouth pulled up as I realized how he tried to give me a stern look, but failed miserably at it.

"Anyway, I'm here if you need me. Any minute now, the people for the makeover should be arriving." He opened the door, which led to the bedroom, for me a short time later.

Before I could step inside he held up his hand, "Ah, ah, ah. I go first." He entered the room and looked around while I stopped on the doorstep and watched him.

He was surprisingly tall, not younger than me, but probably not much older either. He had no discernible Italian accent, so he didn't seem to be from around here. But English doesn't seem to be his first language either.

"Question." I said, and he looked back at me. I continued, "I get to call you Tommy and you call me Miss Lenkov. That's kind of unfair, don't you think?"

Tommy moved his hand briefly to signify that I could enter. "I don't make the rules around here. Mister Ramirez makes them."

He smiled down at me before trying to get back into a serious posture. He adjusted the collar of his black suit and cleared his throat, "There is no threat in the room, I will wait outside the door, Miss Lenkov."

I tried to gather myself as he walked to the door of the room, but my eyes fell on the black gun peeking out of the holster on his thigh.

Maybe I'll borrow it sometime.

I nodded to myself in satisfaction as I watched him open the door and step back a moment later, lowering his head.

"Mister Ramirez." He greeted, his voice much more sinister than it had just been.

A moment later Antonio stepped into the room, giving him a quick nod. His eyes settled on me and he came sauntering toward me.

Behind him, Tommy held his hand in the air and waved before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

Antonio stopped in front of me and looked down at me with concern, strands of his black hair falling messily in his face as he lowered his head. His voice rumbling out in a deep tone, "I heard you haven't touched your food."

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