Part 1

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It was a night like any other- me and Seungmin cuddled closely as our eyes wandered the TV screen in front of us.
Today he wanted to start a new drama, and without hesitation; I made sure to prepare food and snacks before he arrived home from practice!

I had prepared bungeoppang, his favorite ramen, some Hot Cheetos, and warmed up some leftover tteokbokki from the night before. I heard the door handle start to jiggle as I went to grab the last of everything from the kitchen- "not yet.." I sqeek to myself giggling; rushing to the door and locking it again immediately after he unlocked it. I grabbed the food and ran for the bedroom. "Y/n!?" He came in talking loudly, confused. I started giggling hysterically from the bedroom.

I heard him take his shoes and coat off- then wash his hands and enter the bedroom. "Hiii-" I drag out- sitting cross crossed & smiley on the bed as I look over at him. He starts to giggle and smile wide. "You're so cute y/n, seriously.." he says kissing my forehead whilst continuing to laugh. I looked up and smiled as he started gathering his clothes from the dresser. "I won't be long- I swear I'll be super fast." He says; jumping into a stance and widening his eyes at me; holding his clothes tight in his arms. We both bust out laughing, unable to hold it in for even a moment.

He ran for the bathroom as I continued laughing; my stomach even cramping due to the continuous giggling. After a few minutes he entered the room drying his hair erratically as he went "uhhhhh"- making his voice skip back and forth as he closed his eyes (I hope this makes sense). I started giggling as I stood up, reaching for the towel; helping him. After a few seconds, I threw the towel into the clothes bin and hopped onto the bed and widened my eyes while looking at him like :]
He giggled and complied. Lights off & under the covers; I handed him a foldable bed tray as I started handing him the food. "Wow- wow- wow-" he said cutely as I handed it all to him.

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