~Dreaming of You~(13)

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Reim Empire

Yamu just stared at the glowing ball until it formed into a knife. Her stomach dropped, her eyes widened, and she was sweating bullets. Kougyoku held it by the handle still in her human form and pointed it at Yamu. She took a step back in fear of what Kougyoku was planning to with it. Kougyoku on the other hand was off in her little world debating something. She didn't notice Yamu's discomfort until she had come back to reality after finally making a decision. She spun the knife in her hand and held it by its sheath the handle was now pointing at Yamu.

Confused Yamu didn't move from the spot, she only stared at it. Finally, she took it out of Kougyoku's hand. Separating it thinking that it might have been a misunderstanding Yamu found she was wrong. She looked surprised and scared at the same time, she never handled a weapon so sharp before.

Kougyoku spoke up, Yamu was even more terrified as she listened to what Kougyoku had in mind.


The party had died down hours ago, morning was coming. Sharrkan slept peacefully and happily as he thought about his wedding. He was so excited and ready that he had put on his traditional gold jewelry that stuck to his neck and was attached at his ear. (I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY'RE CALLED) Everything was falling into place, he'd marry Eva, return home, parade her around the kingdom, maybe even visit her kingdom, and eventually he'd be made king and she'd be his queen. He was happy, so happy. It didn't even bother him that he'd miss the brothels, or probably would rarely see his friends again. Not even the idea of never seeing Yamu again didn't bother him. Yet he was going to ask her to be a royal advisor.

In the locked corner of his mind, he knew everything he was doing and feeling was wrong. Yet it couldn't break free, the potion had made sure to block out the negative and increase the positive. However as strong as the potion was his true feelings slipped into his dream. He soon found himself from imagining being king to being a dark room. Then a figure appeared saying something he couldn't hear and as he reached out everything changed again. He was underwater, he panicked but only to slowly realise he could breath. He looked around saw the light of the surface, he swam up to the surface. As he broke through he found himself in a completely white room the same figure from before was and he could see them better. As he approached, he noticed the silk semi see through curtains covering blocking them. Then he noticed that the figure was familiar. The figure turned to him, face hidden by darkness but had certain aspects showing.

The figure reached out to stroke his face, he felt something at his side for a moment. As he looked, he saw nothing was there. But then he felt something brush his other side, again he looked and found nothing. The figure was still reaching out, he tried to do the same but he couldn't move his arms. He kept trying to move them, with no change. He began to panic as he kept trying to move them out to touch the figure. He was slowly making more out about the figure, he determined they were a female. He could almost hear her voice, and he was so desperate to reach her. His whole chest was heavy as if a weight was on his chest he couldn't move and he struggled.

He then felt something wet and cold hit his forehead waking him. As he opened his eyes to find the same figure as before crying. The figure sat on top of him and tears were dripping off her face onto his. He then saw she held a dagger in her hand, oddly he remained calm. He just watch her cry, the hand holding the dagger was shaking.

She mumbled something, "A pitiful little mermaid, If...you stabbed a prince with this sword I will return you to the sea."

The morning sun crept in, finally allowing Sharrkan to see her face and have everything connect. Guilt-ridden, upset, and overall depressing it was Yamu who was crying. Everything in the moment was of pure instinct. He slowly got his arms free, he wrapped them around her waist. He sat up, moving his arms up as well so they were at the middle of her back. He pulled her in close so she could cry into his shoulder. She was full on bawling as she realized what he was doing, she was barely holding the dagger anymore. Sharrkan in an odd state buried his face into her blue locks.

He began whispering softly and dryly "Thank you...thank you...thank you..."

He stroked her hair as she sobbed, sometime later when she calmed down he did something she never expected. He kissed her supporting her head with his hand, she never had been kissed before. She melted but was frozen as he kissed her. She would have followed his actions but she pushed away from him. She tossed aside her dagger letting it clatter on the floor. She jumped off of him and ran out the door with more tears welling up and spilling out as she ran blind. The dagger disappeared with a flash of light, and Sharrkan soon felt extreme pain consume his head.

His head was pounding vigorously and he began to scream out in pain. He clutched his head trying to ease the pain, he was lying down again curled up in a ball. He passed out because it hurt so much it was unnaturally painfully. He could barely think as he passed out, the same thing was still being pounded into his head.

"You have to marry Eva because she's best for your future."

While his mind tried fighting back screaming, "You need to find Yamu, she is your future."

While the fight began, two new figure approached the castle both on a mission. One person began writing their goodbye letters as they approached.

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