~The Smell of Home~(11)

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Reim Empire~Four Months Later  

"Alright I believe the celebration is all set up." Tiamat also known as the magi Celeste announced victoriously as she stretched her sore body. The magi only known as Yang walked up to her with a worried expression asking."What's happening now?"

"We're finishing the setup for the party tonight. For Lady Scheherazade and Masrur's engagement and wedding tomorrow."

"How did that happen?" Nobody could blame him for not known he had been out of the country for a while to handle errands of the other magi. Ringa let out a sigh and began to catch him up. "When the Lady was very ill and Masrur took very good care of her."

"I would expect so if she's better now." The clueless magi responded causing Yamu to facepalm herself rather hard. "Is he serious?" She asked Tiamat, who was just watching amused with the whole thing.

She looked down at the girl from the corner of her eye before responding. "It takes him a while to catch on."

Ringa tried again to help him catch her drift."Alright Cal, the Lady, and Masrur have known each other for a long time. She's the one who found him on the streets after he won his freedom. He's the reason why slave gladiator fights don't exist anymore. They mean a lot to one another."

He still hadn't caught on. Tiamat stepped in looking at them both with a devilish smile."A lot. Like you and your special friend, after you confessed and then processed to-"

"Oh! Well, congrats to him then." He said cutting her off and clapping in his hands as he realized what she meant. Ringa had a blush on her face as she thought about what Tiamat was referring to.

"Come on Yamu we're going to get you all dressed up for tonight." Ringa blurted trying to calm herself down as Tiamat snickered at her expression. Yamu just tilted her head to the side asking nobody, in particular, "Dressed up?"

Dressing Up

Ringa and Azicia were in the process of fitting the dress on Yamu when Rahab came in. "Yamu I'm pleased to tell you that I managed to create a necklace to substitute the parrot."

Yamu looked worried, the parrot perched on the mirror squawked for her. "I can't use my real voice, at least not in front of Sharrkan."

"So it's really true then? A 'mermaid' saved him from drowning?" Ringa asked trying to be cautious of eavesdroppers.

"Sea witch but yes." Yamu correct her a little flustered. Ringa's eyes widen as she had to ask. "Were you in love with him or something?"

It was Yamu's turn to blush."W-what? No! I didn't even know who he was when it happened. It all happened by chance a once in a lifetime experience. This whole thing," she gestured to everything. "It's a crazy vacation to me, I never had meant to have meet that stupid swordsmen. Kougyoku set this all up, she made an offer and I went for it."

"I don't trust her," Rahab stated, her eyes darken as she thought about it. Ringa unaware of the circumstances asked. "Why?"

Rahab turned to face the smaller woman pointing to her headband scarf. "Who and how do you think I got this from. It'll disappear once the job is done." She turned to the young sea witch and asked her an unexpected question. "So how do you feel about him now that you know him?"

The Party

Everyone was dressed up in their finest clothing and jewelry. Each princess had a different style to represent what their kingdom found to be beautiful. The Magi noted it was a good time to show off how each princess acted during social events.

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