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Reim Empire ~ Midnight
The first day at the Reim Empire proved to be problematic. However, after Rahab disappeared, Sharrkan and company were given a grand tour of the castle. In which consisted of a big feast, a few performances and then everyone being shown to their room. They were all given rooms in the same hall. After a long day, they settled into their rooms with no compliant. However, not everyone intentions were pure, after hearing about a brother that some of the other guards were going to visit a brother not too far. Sharrkan couldn't pass up the chance to visit it; he needed one last hurrah before he was going to commit fully to this.

He made sure all the candles were out and sat still in his bed as waited to hear the guards pass. Once he was all clear to leave, he took his sheets and made a rope that he tied to the bedpost. Though he didn't need it to get out of his low window, he needed some way to sneak back in. He keeps himself close to the wall as he heard a noise; he hid in the shadow that the castle casted.

"SHAWK! Yamuraiha, Rahab says to wait for at the entrance. She wants you to show her to her room once she comes back."

"Oh, it's only her." Sharrkan whispers to himself.

Yamu's head snapped towards the direction of his voice; Sharrkan paled. "Whos there?" Her parrot asked.

"It's only me Yamu. I was just out for a walk I heard you coming and hid not knowing it was you."

"Really? You don't seem to type to do that kind of thing, and I didn't hear you leave your room either." The parrot asked.

"Well, I am, and now that I'm thinking about it Yamuraiha is a familiar name and Rahab introduced herself as Yin. Why is that?"

"I believe Yin is just a title she gave herself, you'd have to ask her yourself."

Sharrkan squinted his eyes and leaned in towards Yamu. "Are you sure that we've never met before?"

"Yes and to answer that question about my name…"

"Well, unless you're that mermaid that saved my life I doubt that I've heard that name anywhere else."

"Well, you're wrong, my name comes from a fable about a young sea nymph who protect the seven seas. One of the nymphs she meets was named Yamuraiha from the black sea. My master named me that."


"Y-yes someone had to teach me magic and educate me. Otherwise, I'd be useless."

"Oh really? I'm sorry to break this to you, but magic isn't usefully here. The only way to be useful is swordsmanship, which I'd be happy to teach you if you want."

"I have no need to that useless knowledge and if I was allowed my magic would defeat your pitiful swordsmanship."

A glaring contest ensued as they stared each other down waiting for one to submit. The only thing that broke them apart was sound of the guard patrol nearing them. Sharrkan was the one who broke eye contact to pick up his head, "Whatever you say sea hag I'm going to continue with my walk in peace." He shot at her as he began walking off in the direction that Yamu had come from.

Yamu glared at him for a while and continued her walk to the front was it when she realized that Sharrkan's intentions weren't as pure as he claimed. She walked over to one the guards she saw early when she first left her room. He seemed to be very drunk that he had to sit down while watching the horizon.

"Excuse me what happened to you?"

"Nothing much I just came back from having a drink or two at the brothel." He drunkenly admitted to her.

The Little Sea Witch #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now