Beauty and The Beast

Start from the beginning

Emily almost spit out the lemonade she was drinking.

When Alison's fingers moved towards her center Emily's knee hit the table hard enough that it would leave a bruise. Her lemonade nearly fell over.

"Damn my lanky legs," she said to keep up appearances. "Holy shit, Ali." She whispered as she kept her gaze fixed on a painting in front of them, trying not to let anyone see that her face was on fire.

"Know what I like best about this painting?" Alison kept her eyes on the artwork as she moved her fingers in slow long strides between her folds. She was wet underneath the thin spandex. "It screams the way it feels."

"I like it when you scream," is what she was saying.

She felt Emily shudder against her. She she stopped teasing her, though she made it a point to lick her fingers.

Emily slowly shook her head.

"You are so bad," Emily mouthed.

Emily Fields, just you wait for it...

They ate their lunch and then made their way to the parking lot. Toby had already taken the unmarked police car back to the station, which left the two of them to ride together in Alison's car.

A reflection appeared in the back windshield.

Her voice cut through the air like nails on a chalkboard.

"Detective Fields!" Alex was waving at them frantically, like if she didn't get their attention they would peel out of the parking lot and ignore her.

Alison wanted to do that anyway. Her eyes narrowed as Alex closed in.

"Stalking is illegal." Alison opened the driver's side door.

Alex couldn't see the look of vitriol the blonde was shooting at her from beneath her sunglasses.

I will not kill this journalist. I will not kill this journalist. I will not kill this journalist...

"It's a public park." Alex bit back, holding her camera up as a shield between them. "I just have a few questions for the detective." She faced Emily. "That man that you were talking to that your top suspect in the SLK case?"

She'd been watching, lying in wait like a rattlesnake ready to strike.

Alison saw something flash across the brunette's face. A darkness. An anger she hadn't seen before. It must have been the same look Aria had seen in the coffee shop.

"Would you give it a rest?" The detective snapped. "Your wild conspiracy theories and personal narratives have done nothing but complicate this case. You keep crossing the line, Alex. You need to back off."

The plucky young journalist looked at her as if it was a challenge, as if she was asking "or what?"

Alex turned her attention to the blonde.

"Doctor DiLaurentis..." She gave her a cold look, "Are you working with the police on this case?"

"I'm not the medical examiner if that's what you're asking." Alison traced her fingers against the top of her open door. I wonder if I could get away with backing my car over her. "But you already knew that since you've been harassing my colleagues." The bite in her tone made Alex recoil the slightest bit. "I think you should know that I've spoken with my Chief and a restraining order is on the table..."


"Accosting Dr. Montgomery was a bridge too far, Alexis." She saw Alex's jaw twitch. "If you harass any of the staff at my hospital again I'll have you arrested."

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