Flaming Train

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"It's almost been five years-" Wilbur as he scratched a new mark into the station wall "I've been here for almost five whole years" he laughed to himself "Tommy would be a young adult and so would Tubbo...". His mind started to flood with happy memories he had with everyone. He backed from the wall as big tears formed and rolled down his face "they wouldn't want me back after what I did-". Suddenly his back felt hot like he was facing away from a big fire. He quickly spun around and took a step back. "what the fuck!?" All of the train tracks were engulfed in blue flames. A train sped into the station, it's brakes screeched horribly as the rain came to a stop, opening its doors. A gray man with a yellow sweater walked out of the train. It searched the area before their eyes, or lack thereof, landed on him. The figure smiled and quickly walked over.

"Hello!" It sounded friendly, but as they got closer he noticed how identical they were to each other.

"Who are you? And what's going on!?" Wilbur asked, panicked.

"I'm Ghostbur! And you're getting revived!" The gray man said cheerfully.

Wilbur couldn't believe what he was told "revived? Why?"

"I figured everyone needed a good leader! And you're the best person I could think of!"

"...." Wilbur turned to the flaming train.

"We don't have much time, you need to go"

"Are you sure that is safe?" Wilbur pointed at the train with worry spread across his face.

"Oh it's perfectly safe!"

"I don't know"

Ghostbur quickly grabbed Wilbur's arm and started to drag him into the train.

"Wha- hey!" Wilbur tried to get free, but it was too late.

Ghostbur had shoved him into the train making him fall on his back. The train doors closed, before he could get back on his feet.

"Wait- nonono" he rushed to the doors to try to open them in vain. He banged on the door "hey! Let me out! I'm not ready!"

But Ghostbur just smiled and waved as the train departed. Wilbur rushed to the back of the train only for the rear door to be locked.

"Nonono No! I'm not ready yet!" He yelled to the vanishing station, tears flowing down his cheeks.

Soon everything around him was a blinding white.

The warmth of the fire had faded, as his ears started to ring.

"Agh my ears"  Wilbur said sitting up.

"He's awake!" A deep voice exclaimed.

He opened his eyes to see a monarch and a guy dressed in white. As his eyes adjusted to the light he could clearly make out who was above him.

"Eret? Punz? What's going on?" He was still confused about the whole situation, and why a old traitor and his enemy were there.

"Dream paid me to bring you back, and with Eret's help it worked," Punz said in a dead tone.

His heart started racing once Dream was mentioned "no! Don't let Dream know I'm back, don't tell anyone! Please!" He begged, falling to his knees, "I don't want anyone to know! I'm not ready for this!".

Punz took a minute to think about this "Fine, I won't tell Dream or anyone else" relief washed over Wilbur "But, you have to live with me and pay me back for keeping this a secret"

"Ok! I'll do it! Anything so Dream doesn't find out!" He stood up, now noticing the new but familiar weight on his back. He turned to see that his wings, that he lost right before L'manburg, were back.

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