Chapter Twenty: Home

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"You invited everyone? Everyone as in who," Olivia whispered, trying not to disturb her brother and his girlfriend in the next room.

"As in our friends. Old friends. Whatever you want to call them. Since we're back in town, thought it would be nice to see everyone. What better place than the cabin," Spencer replied, letting his wife hitch her leg at his waist. Before long, there would be another human between them making this sleeping arrangement difficult.

"I swear if anything happens because you want to play Happy Camper, we're fighting."

"Your brother and ex-sister-in-law hijacked the place already. What more can happen," Spencer shrugged. "Besides it'll be nice to see everybody while they are in town. I'll make sure no one eats your snacks if that's what you're worried about."

"That toffee popcorn? Did you hide it in a special place," Olivia's head jerked up as she remembered her favorite snack of all, besides bagels.

"Left a bag in the car in case you need them." She silently cheered and Spencer kissed the top of her head. "You know I got you. Always."

"You're the best," she traced a pattern on his chest as their breathing became the only sound in the room. "I think I want one more baby after this one."

"Because I hid your snacks," Spencer chuckled. "Is that all it takes?"

"Shut up," Olivia pinched his nipple. "No, I figured if we could get through this pregnancy then I want to try again. And hell, maybe again after that."

"Okay, woman, how many more kids are we talking about," Spencer propped his head up on his arm. "Trying to have our own football team?"

"I don't know. Maybe," she grinned, the warmth of Spencer's body finally making her eyes heavy.

The next morning, the rest of the friend crew arrived. Spencer and Olivia decided to keep their baby news to themselves for a while longer. At least until she was out of the first trimester.

JJ was the first to arrive. He was currently playing with the Arizona Cardinals. Being married still wasn't in JJ's future but he was in a committed relationship with a supermodel. Well, as committed as JJ could get.

"OJ! Look at you," JJ hugged Olivia as she met him on the porch. "Glowing as usual."

"Did you get taller," she asked, noticing JJ's more bulked up appearance.

"I got bigger. Don't think I can get any taller, Liv," he laughed, pulling Spencer into a bear hug. "Now that you're finally in our division, I'll see more of you."

"And hopefully you'll leave crying," Spencer added. "Wassup, man!"

Layla was next to arrive followed by Coop and Patience who had just got back from Jamaica. Their lives consisted of traveling the world like they set out to do when they were teens. With the music thing working out, they were able to do so. Layla was back in Los Angeles with her daughter that she had adopted. Little Anna was the apple of her eye and she gave her all the love that she missed out on as a child.

"Ahh," Patience screamed as Coop pulled up. "My girls." She barely let the car come to a complete stop before she was hopping out and running up to her friends. Though Olivia had seen more of Coop and Patience than anyone, she was equally as excited. "Am I really in the presence of Miss Simone Hicks? Long time, no see, girl!"

"It's been a minute, huh," Simone greeted Patience and Coop and helped them take their bags inside.

"I almost brought Anna to play with Faith but I see she isn't here," Layla smiled. There was still a slight awkwardness between she and Olivia.

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