Chapter Seventeen: Game Plan

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It had been a week since their wedding and Spencer and Olivia were living on cloud 9. They hadn't taken their honeymoon yet due to the regular season starting, but they made their own fun at home while Faith was in California with Aunt Pat, while the rest of the family came back to the east coast for Spencer's first game. Pat had grown attached to Faith and volunteered herself as babysitter so Spencer and Olivia could get a few days alone.

"I have to have fresh legs for the game, baby," Spencer said as Olivia mounted him as he looked through the playbook for his first game the next day. "I think you've killed them enough this week."

"Boooo, you suck," Olivia pretended to throw tomatoes. "After the game, you better be ready. Especially if you can score me at least two touchdowns."

"Just two? What if I get three," Spencer pushed. "What do I get then?"

"I'll think on that," his wife pecked his lips and swung her legs around to the side of the bed.

They had a serious talk about having more children and what their game plan was when it came to the timeline. Spencer was more willing to let it happen whenever it happened, while Olivia was more specific. She wanted to work her way up with the NFL Network before bringing another baby into the mix. Though after the wedding, her baby fever was beginning to heat up enough to let Spencer 'not pull out' over the past week. Lowkey, she was hoping to be shocked with a pregnancy even though she didn't let her husband know that.

"You coming to my game as journalist Liv or my wife," Spencer asked, watching Olivia search through a dresser drawer for socks.

Hearing him call her his wife still made her blush, "As your wife. Tarika and Brandon are coming though so they may be in journalist mode. But I'll be watching my man killing it out there on the field." She eased herself back on the bed and slowly crawled over to Spencer who shook his head.

"Stop playing with me, woman. I need to save my strength but if you keep this up, my teammates and Jets fans will just have to hate you," he warned, watching her hair tumble out of the messy bun on top of her head and fall to her shoulders. This was the side of Olivia reserved just for him. His Liv. The simple yet beautifully complexed girl from Beverly Hills who stole his heart.

"Ugh, well please put some clothes on," she groaned, throwing a pillow at his head before running off to get ready for her day at the office.
"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at home banging your husband," Brandon asked Olivia as she ran into the office. She was on a time crunch to write her parts for the season opener article before Brandon added his details and it was sent off to the editor.

"I'm only here to finish this and then I'm out of here. He's doing game prep anyway so there's not much fun being had today," Olivia grinned behind her laptop. Brandon's grin mirrored hers as he went to work on his task.

"Olivia Baker in here," one of their other co-workers asked, peeking inside the office. "Oh, she is. Umm, I've looked over this piece you did on Saquon Barkley and it's not going to work."

"Can I ask why," Olivia questioned, already feeling the tension from the coworker she barely knew. "What was wrong with it? I can do some edits."

"No edits needed, it's just not good. We're going to go a different direction with it," Charles replied with a condescending wink. "I guess being married to someone in the NFL doesn't always get you what you want."

Brandon paused his typing and looked back and forth between Olivia and Charles. From the expression on Olivia's face, she was shocked and also insulted by the statement. Instead of butting in, he allowed his friend to handle herself like he knew she could.

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