Chapter One: College Dayz

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I just win again, then win again like Wimbledon, I serve - Kendrick Lamar

Life after high school football had proven to be difficult. Going from star player to the rookie on a team and fighting for a starting spot was a struggle Spencer never had to deal with in his football career. He was competing with guys who had one year under their belts and hoped they would be next in line after the seniors graduated. Thankfully, Spencer didn't have to go through this fight alone with Jordan being his roommate and teammate. He had someone there that understood exactly what he was going through, except Jordan had more of an uphill battle. After his concussion, he was only cleared to play the last game before playoffs and one playoff game before Beverly was eliminated in the first round. He was currently redshirted for his first college season and the coaches were thinking about making him play a different position altogether.

"No way I can play safety," Jordan complained, throwing his backpack on his desk. "How the hell do I learn an entirely new position before next season? It won't come naturally. I'm a quarterback."

"You gotta work for it, bro. Your dad had me switching positions when I first got to Beverly. At least they see potential in you," Spencer countered, placing an icepack on his sore shoulder.

"I don't know. Me being a safety just doesn't seem right. That's not what my dad coached me to be," Jordan replied.

"Okay and? We're in college now and being close-minded and hindering yourself ain't it. How do you know how good you'll be at that position if you don't try? You being a quarterback gives you skills other safeties may not have. You know what it's like to be qb, certain tendencies that other dudes can't pick up on. Come on, man. Don't quit before you try."

Spencer seemed to be the voice of reason for the Baker twins, especially Jordan who was just as hard on himself as Spencer. "You're right. Guess I'm letting this pressure get to me. This isn't high school anymore and it's hard to adjust. We don't even know all the dudes on our team which is crazy. Never thought I'd be competing with this many people in college."

"It's UCLA, every athlete's dream school. We'll be fine. Two years from now when we're being drafted, we'll laugh at moments like this," Spencer offered Jordan their possible future to look forward to.

"Ugh, I better call Simone before she bites my head off again. Fell asleep early last night and forgot to call her back," Jordan grabbed his phone and stepped out into the hallway. Spencer pulled his own phone from his pocket and smiled at his lock screen. It was a photo of Olivia holding a koala on her recent trip out of the country with her dance company. While attending UCLA, Olivia was also dancing off-campus with a performance company. They were both busy but made sure to carve out enough time for each other.

"Hi babe," Olivia beamed, picking up on the second ring.

"Hey, you done with practice, yet?"

"Just wrapped up. I'm putting my shoes on and about to head to your dorm. Is my big head brother there," she asked, hoping Spencer would say no.

"He's in the hall talking to Simone. Why," Spencer questioned, knowing the real reason for her question.

"Nothing. Just wondering," Olivia blushed. "I think I'm going to take you up on that massage though. My calves are killing me."

"I can massage something else."

"Spencer! You're on speaker," Olivia fumbled with her AirPods trying to reconnect them before anyone could pick up on the suggestive conversation.

"Ain't nothing they haven't heard before. Hurry up, girl. I can take care of those tight calves for you. Oh and could you stop by the Commons for cheesy tots before they close up," Spencer asked, knowing Olivia couldn't pass up on the cheesy tots that they had become obsessed with since moving to campus.

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