Chapter Twelve: Moving Forward

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Flashback - After Spencer's birthday dinner

Olivia was livid. Why couldn't Jordan read situations for what they were? There was no way he could have thought it was okay to bring Syn to dinner with their family. Not after what she said to Olivia and his cheating scandal with her.

When Spencer dropped her off at her apartment, Olivia was still fuming. She threw her purse on the couch and waddled to the kitchen for water.

"How about you take it easy. Go sit down and I'll get you water," Spencer put his hands on Olivia's hips and began pushing her towards the living room.

"Sometimes I wonder if Jordan is really my twin. Why would he bring that bitch? After everything? I hope he knows that Simone has an invite to the baby shower and I'm not taking it back," Olivia huffed, sinking into the couch with her throw blanket.

"I hope you're going to at least warn Simone? You don't want any fights at the baby shower either," he warned, even if this was all slightly amusing to him.

"I'll let her know because I care and love her. She can decide if she wants to come or not. Maybe Jordan will find a new toy by then," Olivia closed her eyes and counted to ten in her head. "Not going to let them stress me out."

"No, you shouldn't. Matter of fact, I'm going to talk to Jordan myself," Spencer concluded. Olivia nodded and kept her eyes closed. "Can't have my baby girl trying to come out too early."

They stayed like that for the next forty-five minutes. Just in silence. Eventually, Spencer broke it, "Months ago I didn't even know if I still wanted to be here. I've never felt that low in my life and my thoughts scared the hell out of me."

Olivia's eyes opened slowly as Spencer continued.

"I never thought of myself as one of those athletes who felt lost with football. Look at how easily I gave it up after my dad died. But when I tore my knee, that felt different. For the first time in my life, I felt lost without it. Never thought I'd experience depression like that," Spencer took a deep breath. "Then trying to fix us... everything felt like it was falling apart. Some days I thought we would be done forever. How could I repair my relationship if I couldn't even repair myself?"

"You weren't broken, Spence. What you were going through didn't break you. I've seen you fight this with my own eyes. And I admire your strength," Olivia slid her hand across the cushion and into Spencer's. "One thing I know for sure is that you're going to be an amazing dad to our baby girl. She's lucky."

Spencer ran his thumb over Olivia's knuckle, "She's lucky to have you too."

The pair got lost in each in each other's eyes until Olivia's soft voice broke the quiet moment.

"I miss you," she admitted. "I miss us."

"I miss you too," Spencer replied, bringing her hand to his lips. "And if you're willing to give this another chance, then...."

"Then what," Olivia grinned.

"Then, I'm down," Spencer's smile matched Olivia's. It was hard to contain his happiness. He had been looking for the perfect time to tell her he felt ready to give them another try. He moved over to the other side of the couch to seal the deal with a kiss.

January (Junior Year)

For the first time in months, Jordan felt like he was moving through life at a normal pace. He had a long talk with Spencer before Olivia's baby shower and it seemed to give him perspective for the time being. He had a tendency to spiral out of control when he felt like he was unsure of where his life was heading. Things with Simone didn't work out once again and he was starting to think the NFL dream was fading too. Spencer explained that he became dangerous when he was "pouting about his life". Jordan quickly apologized to his twin about bringing the enemy into their childhood home. Knowing Simone would be at the shower, Jordan stayed away. Oddly enough, he was embarrassed to see her.

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