Chapter Eleven: Faith

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This chapter is more of a filler to tie up things. Also, there will be some time jumps in this chapter to move the story forward. Don't worry, I've labeled them so you aren't confused. :)

"What about Aaliyah," Olivia asked, resting her feet in Spencer's lap. She tapped her pen against her nose, waiting on Spencer to respond.

"Pretty name but doesn't fit my girl," he said, massaging Olivia's ankles.

"How do you know what fits her or not," Olivia questioned, placing the book on her lap.

"Because I know my baby," he spoke, leaning in to talk to Olivia's stomach. "Ain't that right baby girl?"

"She's not even here yet and you're spoiling her."

Spencer wasn't even paying attention as he kept whispering to his daughter. This had become a daily thing for him.

"She's going to have you wrapped around her finger," Olivia shook her head, allowing Spencer to kiss her belly.

"I'm not complaining about that."

Since finding out they were having a girl, their parents were already spoiling their granddaughter with clothes, toys, and everything else first-time parents worried about having for their little one. They felt the support from those around them which made dealing with the unexpected pregnancy easier.
Spencer was looking forward to his session with Dr. Spears. Not only to discuss football and his recovery but to also discuss his relationship with Olivia.

After finding out the sex of their baby, Spencer had been spending the night with Olivia who was staying in an off-campus apartment to prepare for their baby. Even without the physical contact, things were beginning to feel like they did a few months ago before their breakup. Like normal.

"Are you asking for advice," Dr. Spears questioned when Spencer told him about the situation with his ex-girlfriend.

"I guess. How do you know when you're better after going through a depression," Spencer asked, sitting back as if Dr. Spears was going to read him information from a relationship manual.

"That's up to you, Spencer," the psychologist noted. "It's all about client autonomy. I can't tell you when it's time to get back to your normal activities. What I can say is that I've seen tremendous growth from you. The rest is up to you, Mr. James."

"I thought you psychologists were relationship gurus too," Spencer semi-joked. "I'm not sure if I'm better or not, doc."

"Okay, well let's find out. We can talk through it and then you can determine if you are. First, define what's better for you. What does that mean?"

"Not waking up and feeling like shit. Not wanting to snap on anyone that I think is getting in my way. Sleeping," Spencer went over the list in his head of all the things he struggled with over the last few months. "Actually wanting to go out and do stuff instead of locking myself up in my room. Just live life how I used to."

"Okay and how many of those things are better," Dr. Spears asked, making a note on his paper.


Things were better.

Spencer was beginning to see the light at the end of the long tunnel he felt like he'd been trapped in since he tore his ACL months ago. He couldn't pinpoint when the change began to happen, but he was breathing a lot easier. Going to games no longer made him feel small and worthless and his coach was finally getting through to him when it came to the Combine and Draft. He still had a chance even if that meant getting drafted on the second day instead of the first. Now Spencer was seeing that it wasn't the end of the world and his talent still spoke for itself and if he could show teams he was still Spencer James in the Combine, then he was on the right track. Plus, his physical therapist thought there was a good chance that he could play in some bowl games. Things were looking up.

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