Chapter Seven: A New Leaf

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"One more and we're done for the day," the physical therapist called out, placing a bottle of water on the bench. "Good. Alright, you're done."

Spencer grimaced and grabbed the bottle of water, chugging it before tossing it in the recycling bin. Physical therapy was kicking his ass but he was getting stronger as the weeks went on.

"James, you're looking good. Keep it up and we can move on to the next phase of your rehab. Don't push it though. We don't want any set backs," the therapist warned, patting Spencer on the back and ending their session.

The last couple of weeks had been hell emotionally but Spencer was doing his best to push through. He and Jordan were at odds again about the breakup and he felt like he didn't have anyone in his corner. Though he understood why Jordan would be upset, he wasn't in the mood to go back and forth with him about his reasons for breaking up with Olivia. That was between him and his ex-girlfriend who was currently in New York. The last time they spoke was when Olivia landed and since then there was no communication. No texts or anything. Neither one of them knew how to get back to the friendship they once shared before things turned romantic.

Spencer scrolled through their old messages, reminiscing on the old memories. They were truly best friends and he wondered how they veered away from that recently.

"Did you need anything while I'm out," Jordan asked as he was walking out the door.

"Nah, I'm good, man. Thanks though," Spencer replied, leaning back on his pillow. "Thought you were going home for the weekend?"

"I was but I thought it would be a good idea if I stayed back here and we could talk," Jordan said. "Dr. S said I need to stop running from my problems so I'd like to start listening to him for once."

"You're still seeing him too?"

"As an athlete, it isn't a bad idea. Plus, I'm working on my anger management. Look, Spence, I know you didn't mean to break Liv's heart and thought it would be good if you both just focused on your own things for a while. But take it from a guy that totally fucked up his relationship...don't let her get away," Jordan explained, before closing the door behind him.

Spencer sat on Jordan's words for a minute and nodded. Hopefully, in the future, she would forgive him and see that this was for the best.

Being on the East Coast was an adjustment for Olivia. She was used to driving to most of her locations but in New York she took advantage of the public transportation system. She was sharing a dorm with another dancer who had come from Louisiana State University and was entering her senior year.

"Want to go out for drinks later," Courtney asked, massaging her sore toes from the morning on pointe.

"I'm, I'm actually a recovering addict so that wouldn't be a good idea," Olivia replied, slightly annoyed for some reason.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry. I had no idea. Congratulations on your recovery though," Olivia's roommate apologized.

"It's not like I shared that information with you. You're good. You should go out and have some fun though. We've been working our asses off this week," Olivia suggested, kicking off her shoes and throwing herself on her bed.

"We're going bowling too, do you at least want to do that before we head out to the club later tonight?"

"Honestly, I'm going to get some sleep. I can barely keep my eyes open. You all have fun," Olivia shooed Courtney out the door as she closed her eyes.

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