Chapter Fifteen: Sumthin Sumthin

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The sun beamed down on the field, showing no mercy to the players running through drills. The season had officially begun and the rookies were trying to earn their spots while some vets were on the bubble. Training camp came with a lot of learning opportunities and Spencer was trying to soak in all of them. He had to live up to his hype because the analysts were already doubting his ability.

Will Spencer James be a Boom or Bust?

The Jets took him too early. He will disappoint.

The talking heads didn't even have the evidence to prove their points but they still wanted the clicks for their hot takes. Olivia had banned ESPN and the NFL Network from their household because Spencer was getting too wrapped up in what people said about him.

"Go in there and show them that Spencer James magic," Olivia told him as he left for his second day of training camp. She was starting her new position with the NFL Network that same day, so Spencer gave her a similar speech.

"Spencer Motherfuckin' James. That's my boy," Stephon yelled from across the field when Spencer pulled in a one-handed catch. The rest of the team rallied around the rookie to celebrate.

Practice ended on that good note and Stephon ran up to Spencer as he was leaving the locker room. "Proving them haters wrong, I see. Good job out there today."

"You too, bro. May have to start calling it Steph Island if you keep playing like that," Spencer smacked his teammate's shoulder as they walked out to their cars.

"I'm trying to be like the GOAT or hell, even better," Stephon replied. They rounded the corner to their cars and there was a woman sitting on the hood of Stephon's Corvette. "Now how the hell did she get in here? Wassup Sandra!"

"Hey baby," the woman grinned, running to wrap her arms around Stephon's neck. She glanced at Spencer as he stared in confusion. This wasn't Chantelle. "Spencer James, right?"

"Oh my bad," Stephon pulled away to introduce Sandra to his teammate. "This is my boy Spence and Spence this is Sandra."

"Uh, nice to meet you Sandra," Spencer said, trying his best to keep a poker face.

"My sister is a big fan," Sandra added. "She'll be at the first pre-season game. Maybe you can sign her jersey?"

From Sandra's expression, Spencer could read what she was implying and he wasn't down for it. These were the situations Billy warned him about when he was drafted. When people wanted something from you, they'd do anything to get it. Stephon had clearly fallen victim to it already. "You can get a signed jersey through my publicist. Ya'll take care."


Olivia sifted through the ancient articles, admiring the great history that was logged. There were books with old newspaper clippings in every corner of the office and Olivia intended to look through all of them.

"Girl, you still looking through those old things," Tarika, one of the lead reporters, asked as she sat back down at her desk. When Olivia was hired, Tarika was promoted and would now be a sideline reporter. Olivia would do research and collaborate on articles with another writer until she gained enough experience to do it on her own.

"I saw an article about my dad and fell into a rabbit hole. Sorry," Olivia apologized, dusting off her skirt and taking her place at her desk.

"Trent assigned you to the Giants so you'll be with me at camp today," Tarika shared. "My first sideline report of the season." She twiddled her thumbs nervously. "I think I need more coffee."

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