Chapter Sixteen: Wedding Bells

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"I'm about to lose it," Olivia massaged her temples and closed her eyes. Her mother and Grace were in town for wedding dress shopping and Olivia had hired a planner to put together the wedding within four weeks. The first stage of finding a venue was the most difficult part.

Everything that Olivia liked was booked for the next few months. Fall wedding season was in full effect, leaving Olivia's options slim.

"We've got three more on this list that we can look at," Veronica, the wedding planner, explained. "I can get these scheduled today while you're dress shopping."

"You're a life saver. I know this is all last minute and stressful on you too," the bride apologized.

"Trust me, you're tame compared to some of the brides I've worked with. I had a latte thrown at me. Let's just say she didn't get a refund when I quit on her the next day."

Olivia covered her mouth in disgust, "I would never get that crazy. Maybe keep the lattes away from me just in case though."

"Sweetie, are you ready to go? Faith and I are all packed up," Laura asked, holding Faith on her hip and the diaper bag on her opposite shoulder.

"And I got the snacks packed in case this little Cookie Monster gets cranky," Grace added, tickling Faith's side and causing her to giggle.

"All my favorite girls are leaving me for the day," Spencer pouted, stepping into the living room.

"Yep. And please stay out of trouble while we're gone. Don't eat my leftovers," Olivia kissed his cheek and squeezed his swollen biceps. He had just finished a workout. "See you later."

"Can't wait to see you in that dress. Whichever one you pick," he winked.

"Alright love birds, break it up," Grace grabbed her future daughter-in-law's hand and pulled her toward the door.

"Bye," Faith sang, reaching for her father's face as Laura followed them to the door. "Bye daddy!"

"Bye, baby," Spencer kissed her chubby hand. "Make sure you tell me all the secrets when you get back, okay?"

"Yep! Okay," Faith replied, wrapping her arms around her grandmother's neck.

If she had the vocabulary to do so, she would spill all the beans.
Dress shopping was a fun adventure. They visited all three shops that Veronica put on the list but Olivia found one more shop in New Jersey. Right when they were going to give up, Olivia happened to see the shop tucked away in one of the shopping districts. It wasn't one of the fancy shops they had spent hours at, in hopes of finding the dress. But when Olivia walked in, her eyes immediately landed on the gown that was meant for her.

The backless, ivory dress was the perfect amount of sexy and classy. Once she tried it on, her mothers agreed and Faith even added in her two cents. There would need to be a few alterations but Olivia wasn't going to let anyone else have it. So, Laura paid for it in full and the alterations were going to be made before Olivia's big day.

"That dress on you..." Grace paused as Olivia looked in the mirror, unable to take the dress off. Even after Laura had swiped her card, her daughter was still stuck in a trance.

"It's absolutely beautiful," Laura cried. Faith put her hands on her grandmother's cheeks. "I'm okay, baby. You see how pretty mommy looks?"

Spencer's 'mini-me' nodded her head and clapped her hands to show she agreed. Olivia was breathtaking and the way she smiled showed how truly happy she was and that made Laura cry even more.

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