When I glanced back down at his face I was met with his smoldering eyes…....

"Oh shit.....!!"

He caught me staring, too late now. I looked directly at him and saw him smirking at me. That smirk went straight to my lower region and I discreetly adjusted myself. We stared at one another, each drinking in the site of the other for a full minute before I saw his hand come up and wave me over to his table.

It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen and I could only imagine what those hands would feel like touching me, stroking me, holding me while he makes love to me.

This was it....... the defining moment of my life. All of a sudden I felt the need to run to him at a full sprint, instead I nonchalantly gathered my things and walked over to sit down across from him. He was so fucking gorgeous and I needed to hear his voice, so I stuck out my hand.

"I am Kongpob" 

He looked down at my hand and up at my face


He didn’t even acknowledge my extended hand, so I dropped it to my side thinking that manners would have at least dictated a handshake here.

Alright, maybe I was wrong, maybe he is not into guys. This really sucks, and an awkward silence ensued while we stared at each other.

'Do I stay ?? Or.....leave ??

Please don’t make me leave !!'

In a voice that can only be described as sensual and melodic, he said

"Do you want to get out of here ??"

Hell fucking yes…


I whispered in a quivering voice, even I did not recognise.

He smiled a brilliant, dimpled smile that lit up his whole angelic face and he got up. I stood as well and followed. I would follow him to the ends of the earth if he asked.

All the warnings people had told me all my life about strangers and not going home with people you don’t know..... flew out the window as I proceeded to follow this man to his car and sat down in the passenger seat he offered me.

I was so desperate to touch him, to feel his luscious alabaster skin, but he had made no effort to initiate any skin contact with me so I sat on my hands to keep them from reaching out and grabbing his. The electricity was humming all around us in the car and I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye and was shocked by the sight.

He was gripping the steering wheel hard and his perfectly contoured lips were now mashed together in a thin line with what can only be described as anger or frustration.

"Have I done something wrong Arthit ??" 

"Why are you asking me that ??"

He asked me.

"Because honestly, you look pissed and if I did something I want to know what ??"

"It is not you...... Trust me, I promise. I never have experience these feelings..... I am having right now, they are completely consuming and not something I am used to"

He muttered.


What the fuck else was I supposed to say to him ??

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