-Chapter 68

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Tang Ci was born in a small fishing village by the sea.

Xiaoyu villagers are simple, but not so simple.

Every morning, her mother ties her horns, and then she goes to school 3 miles away by herself.

Along the way, you will meet many villagers who get up early to work.

They greeted her warmly.

"Xiao Ci is early."

"I heard that you took the first place in the exam last time."

"That's right, you have good grades in your studies and you are very well-behaved."

"Be careful on the road, Xiao Ci, come to my house to eat buckwheat cakes after school."

... ...

she responded with a smile, but her pace quickened as she brushed past them.

The five fingers tightened the shoulder straps of the schoolbag, all because of the deliberately low voices of discussion behind him when he turned away from them.

"Why hasn't her dad come to pick them up? It's been 8 years, is there something wrong with the people?"

"What could have happened, I don't think I thought about coming back."

"Everyone in the art troupe has left. Now , only Hailan is left." The woman who spoke sighed.

Another woman snorted: "If I were her, I would have left early, with all the face and body, and the rest of the Xuexue Art Troupe, Xiaoman would have married to the United States. "

"What is the United States, it is the United States."

"Yes, yes, it's the United States! Xiaoman is not as beautiful as Hailan." "Go, mom will teach you to sing after you finish your homework." Xiaoci's figure was so excited that it hurt Qin Hailan's eyes. In fact, she has almost run out of expectations. Fortunately, there is Xiaoci to accompany her - Qin Hailan was born in the art troupe, and she met Tang Guohai, who was also an educated youth, in a small fishing village. The two fell in love at first sight and soon fell in love.

"But Hailan has Xiaoci, in the final analysis...other people use it and it's a shame."

The woman looked at the little figure in the distance and sighed again: "I'm sorry for Xiaoci." -

Tang Ci returned from school home, with a small basket of buckwheat cakes in his hand.

Qin Hailan was practicing singing, and she asked, "Who gave it?"

"Aunt Liu next door."

"Are you saying thank you?"

Tang Ci noun obediently : "Yes."

"Our porcelain is really good." Qin Hailan left Come here and rub the top of her head.

Tang Ci smiled, but there was a hint of bitterness in the smile.

Qin Hailan didn't understand why a little girl of this age showed such a complicated expression. She asked, "Did something unpleasant happen at school?"

Tang Ci shook her head, her lips parted slightly, and then closed after hesitation.

Qin Hailan touched her face with a gentle voice: "Don't be afraid, tell mom." "I want to know," Tang Ci raised her eyelids and met

her eyes: "When will dad come back?"

In Qin Hailan's description, her father is a handsome and handsome man, who is full of poetry and books and is full of talents.

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