Mom needs to realise that I'm not a baby anymore

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"Percy! No more kisses! You have to focus," Annabeth laughed, ducking my advances,"I'm being serious!"

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"Percy! No more kisses! You have to focus," Annabeth laughed, ducking my advances,"I'm being serious!"

"But Annabethhhhh," I whined, "Cant I kiss my girlfriend whenever I want?" I asked, watching her face heat up.

I asked her to be my girlfriend on the roof, a few hours ago. And the Gods must have been smiling down at me today because she said yes.

"My boyfriend can kiss me," she smiled, "If he's a good boy, and does his homework."

The word boyfriend made me have stomach butterflies. I was Annabeth's boyfriend...AHHHHH

"Well in that case, teach away. Mom and Paul and E aren't gonna be back for a couple of hours," I reached for a cookie to eat.

Mom, Paul and Estelle went over to Paul's place to spend some time with his family. They asked me and Annabeth to come
along and we politely declined.

We spent a while on maths. And by that I meant Annabeth spent a while trying to teach me how to do it while I got distracted by how gorgeous she was.

Mom and Paul came back eventually, and set Estelle down for a nap.

"Let me take a picture! I want to remember this," mom said, striding into the room with a camera even though I've explained to her many times that her phone could do the same thing.

She was utterly shocked when she came home to discover her eldest son doing his homework.

She snapped a picture of me and Annabeth still at the dining table, and went to go prepare something for lunch.

She snapped a picture of me and Annabeth still at the dining table, and went to go prepare something for lunch

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Beside me, Annabeth's phone rang. She picked it up, a sour expression on her face as she told me it was her stepmother, Helen.

She moved across the room, towards the window as she took the call, having a quick exchange with her stepmother before she gasped, dropping the pencil she was holding.

"What happened ? How? Where? Okay! How is he? How is Matty??" she asked, in a rapid stream of questions. She was visibly worried, pacing back and forth in the room.

"Everything okay?"I mouthed, trying to gauge what I could.

She shook her head, returning her attention the call.

"Okay. I'll be there. Don't worry," was the last thing she said before hanging up the call.

"Percy...I need to back to Long Island. I'll book a cab," she bit her lip, still clutching her phone tight.

"Why? What happened? Is everything alright?"

Annabeth shook her head, taking a deep breath before she answered, "Bobby broke his leg, and Helen needs me in the hospital with him. He's supposed to stay overnight, and she doesn't want Matty to stay with him. Oh my gods Percy this is a mess!" she sighed.

"'s okay don't worry about it. I'll drive you home, okay? I'm sure mom will understand," I said, moving to her side. I hugged her.

"Are you sure?" she asked, pulling away.

"Of course. Don't worry," I grinned, pecking her lips, "Go pack. I'll tell mom."

Annabeth smiled, "How did I get so lucky?"

"I ask myself that everyday."

And with Annabeth off to pack, I told mom what happened.

"Sorry to do this on Christmas but...."

"It's alright dear. Family comes first," she said, waving her spatula in the air, "I'll pack you guys lunch."

"That'll be nice thanks," I nodded.

"Bring her more often, Percy. Especially now that you're dating," mom smiled, her eyes shining bright.

I felt my face turn hot, ""

Mom chuckled, stirring something in her pot, "Mother's know everything," she said, clicking her tongue.

"Oh and Percy?" she said, right as I was about to leave, "No grandbabies just yet. Estelle is a handful," she said with a mischievous grin as my face most definitely heated while I scrambled for a retort.

She then ushered me away to pack and so she could cook in peace. Not before tackling me in a big hug and kissing my forehead and calling me a baby.

"'s gonna be alright, don't worry," I smiled, entering the room as Annabeth was packing up her things.

"I'm...not," she tried, but shook her head, "Oh Gods what if he's in pain?"

"I'm pretty sure they've given him pain killers," I kissed her cheek, "And he's a Chase. If there's anything I know about you guys, it's that you're strong."

She offered me a smile before returning to her packing. I stuffed a couple of my college stuff into her bag and I was done.

I was too lazy to pack anyway.

Mom, Paul and Baby Estelle (who was either half awake or half asleep) bid us goodbye, with mom stuffing a bag full of food for the both of us, and for Annabeth's stepbrothers and made us promise to call once we arrived.

Soon...we were on the road. And if hit me that this is the first time I'm going to meet Annabeth's step family.

This was either going to terrible or well.


I'm starting my first day of offline school from tomorrow and I'm terribly nervous so pray for me everyone 😭

there's also a possibility that I might be missing a couple of updates because my exams are drawing near and I have hardly any free time. I'll try my best though!

So....any suggestions?

(Posted 6th March 22- 12:28am)

Stay tuned!!
—S (for scared)

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